Senator Joe Manchin Presents A Solid Plan To Fix Social Security…Just Exactly What Blogging Blue Has Been Supporting For YEARS!

Manchin proposes raising FICA income cap: According to the Social Security Administration, each U.S. worker and their employer contributes 6.2% of their wages to the program, rising to $160,200 by 2023, while the self-employed pay a larger 12.4% of their wages (since no employer co-pays). However, if you’re a millionaire,…

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Joe Manchin Plops One in the Punchbowl

On the eve of the Georgia senate runoff elections president elect Joe Biden told voters at a rally in Georgia that the fate of the $2,000 stimulus checks was in their hands, that only by sending Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the Senate, thereby removing Mitch McConnell as majority…

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Is West Virginia Leading The Nation Towards Single Payer Health Care?

Earlier this week the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reprinted an article in their Ideas Lab from Kaiser Health News reporter Julie Revnor. I have the hard copy but online I found it on the NPR site. The article wrangles with the notion of who is really protecting the Affordable Care Act’s…

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