Trump Hereby Orders Foxconn To Make iPhones in WI!

Most of you have probably seen President Trumps tweet ordering American companies to move production out of China. He can’t actually do that but he can increase tariffs and change trade policies to the point to cause that to happen eventually. But in case you missed them: In a Washington…

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Dichotomy About Manufacturing Jobs: Reality vs. Donald Trump

President Donald Trump visited Milwaukee yesterday and scooped up $3 million in campaign donations and extolled the increase in manufacturing jobs resulting from his tariff war. Except…that’s not the reality. During his speech at Derco Aerospace (a division of Lockheed-Grumman that is being prosecuted for overcharging the US Navy), the…

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Coke price increases to be felt in the White House!!

Tariffs will be driving up the price of Coca Cola in the United States…do you think that will cause a pause that refreshes in the White House? James Quincey, the CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, said Wednesday that the company would be raising the prices of its carbonated offerings due…

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