Building Electric Cars Is The Easy Part

Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, American manufacturers have successfully been at the forefront of design, engineering, and manufacturing of any number of industrial or consumer products. And of course car manufacturing has been a particular strength. So to think building electric cars will be an issue is ridiculous….

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Let them take the train…oh wait…nevermind. sigh

Since its merger by parent Republic Airways with the late lamented Midwest Airlines, it was inevitable that Frontier Airlines would start to trip marginal or loss leader services out of Milwaukee. Their recent announcements reduce services to two major Wisconsin cities and of course a corresponding reduction in jobs. Frontier…

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Wisconsin #2 in Best Roads in the Nation

Reader’s Digest had an interesting ranking of the Best, Worst and Deadliest Roads in the nation. From the rankings, WI came out #2 in the Best Roads category and #37 in the deadliest roads category. Kudos to the DOT, Governor and people of Wisconsin on these results.

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