Warning to Wisconsin Income Tax Payers

During a recent conversation with my tax preparer, I asked if I still had to track my charitable donations under the current federal tax laws. Well, not for the feds, but I should for the state because they haven’t adopted the new federal guidelines yet. Not a biggie, been doing…

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Outrageous Taxation Suggestion on a Saturday Night!

Last Sunday, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Common Council President Ashanti Hamilton wrote an op-ed piece in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel touting Milwaukee as a great place to do business and the emphasizing the fact that it is the economic engine that drives the state of Wisconsin. Most of…

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Report: Wisconsin tax credit primarily benefits wealthy

This shouldn’t be any surprise to anyone living in Wisconsin and paying any kind of attention…but from San Francisco via the Associated Press: A tax credit passed to benefit manufacturers and agricultural producers in Wisconsin is primarily helping millionaires, according to a new report released Tuesday. Wisconsin Department of Revenue…

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