Former Republican State Senate Chief of Staff: Republicans were “giddy” at prospect of disenfranchising voters

Yesterday I pointed out Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman’s admission that Wisconsin’s voter ID law, a law put into effect by Republicans in the Legislature, would disenfranchise Democratic Party voters in November’s presidential election. Grothman’s admission by itself is troubling, but it comes on the heels of this Facebook post from…

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VIDEO: Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman admits voter ID law meant to disenfranchise Democratic voters

Watch as Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman admits that the voter ID scheme passed into law by Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled Legislature will help Republicans win Wisconsin in November’s presidential election. While anyone with half a brain knew Republican efforts to implement voter ID laws were intended with one purpose – to disenfranchise…

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Dan Sebring: conservative majority on U.S. Supreme Court conspiring against Scott Walker

This is bizarre, even for a fringe candidate like Dan Sebring. Republican Dan Sebring, who is running to represent Wisconsin’s 4th District in the House of Representatives, told ThinkProgress he suspects a political motive behind the Supreme Court’s recent ruling putting the state’s voter ID law on hold. “The United…

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FAQs About WI Voter ID and November 4th

I already give the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel enough linkage here that they should be giving me a free subscription about now…but never mind about that…now I am adding one that goes to their page with FAQs about Voter ID and the November 4th general election in Wisconsin: FAQs About Wisconsin…

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