Palm Center Report on DADT Refutes Grumpy Old Troglodyte’s Views

The Palm Center Report “Gays in Foreign Militaries 2010: A Global Primer” was released today. The report refutes the negative positions being touted by General Casey, Senator McCain and others based on their prejudices towards openly gays and lesbians serving in the United States Military. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell deserves to be banished to the trash bin of useless legislation and troglodytes that don’t see it that way need to get out of their caves and read the facts on the lack of any negative consequences that military forces around the world have had with open service by gays and lesbians.

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The politics of personal destruction, according to Terrence Wall

During his brief U.S. Senate campaign, Republican Terrence Wall has been plagued by questions surrounding his personal income taxes (or lack thereof), and he has responded to questions and coverage of that issue by the media by calling the questions the “politics of personal destruction.” What’s really curious – though…

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Schwarzenegger calls out Romney, conservatives for stimulus hypocrisy

Appearing yesterday on ABC’s This Week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a moderate Republican, singled out former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for arguing this past week that the stimulus bill hadn’t produced a single “net” job gain: “I find it interesting that you have a lot of the Republicans running around,…

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Virginia governor repeals protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation

Thanks to an executive order issued by newly elected Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell on February 5, gay and lesbian state workers in that state are no longer specifically protected against discrimination. Prior to issuing his executive order, Gov. McDonnell rescinded an executive order signed by former Gov. Tim Kaine on…

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Only 25% recidivism? I’d say that’s progress!

Just so we’re clear, I’m no fan of Wisconsin Act 28, which brought about sweeping reforms to Wisconsin’s Truth in Sentencing laws, including provisions that allowed for multiple early-release programs for inmates in Wisconsin prisons, including inmates convicted of violent offenses. Having made that point abundantly clear, I’d like to…

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