Dave Westlake would derive pleasure from sending folks to the unemployment line

“I hate firing people,” he said. “But I love to fire government employees because it puts money back in our pockets.”

So says Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake. While I’m not surprised by Westlake’s comments about public employees, it’s disheartening to hear that someone would derive pleasure from sending someone else to the unemployment line simply because that person happens to be a public employee.


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4 thoughts on “Dave Westlake would derive pleasure from sending folks to the unemployment line

  1. Again, quote the whole thing Zack!

    It’s “unrealistic” to promise jobs will automatically appear in Racine County and the rest of the state, Westlake said.

    “The government doesn’t have the responsibility to create jobs, but the responsibility to create the environment where job growth can happen by cutting spending and taxes,” he said.

    Westlake proposes cutting spending by eliminating the federal Department of Education and Department of Energy.

    “I hate firing people,” he said. “But I love to fire government employees because it puts money back in our pockets.”

  2. The whole thing makes Mr. westlake look even more uninformed. It makes Mr. Westlake look as clueless as paul ryan when it comes to economics. Thanks for putting this in context.

  3. Oh C’mon PP Paul Ryan vs. Paul Krugman? Any day of the week Ryan knows and understands economics better than Krugmam. As for Westlakes point… If the Govt workers are using taxpayer dollars to earn twice the same as the non-government employees. Even a 1st grader with an abacus can easily figure out leaving money in the public sector is better for our economy than overpaying govt workers.

  4. I will take the PhD from MIT over the kid who has a much maligned partisan hack of a plan to redistribute more wealth to the top 1 percent!

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