Gun Automatically Shot Victim

This should shoot holes (pun intended) in the meme that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. A police chief’s wife was supposedly shot by his gun and not his chiefness in their bedroom on New Years: Police Chief William McCollom’s wife, who was shot and critically injured in a…

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Concealed Carry Mother Killed By Her Two Year Old Son

This is simply tragic on every conceivable level. I am not going on a tirade about concealed carry with this post. But given concealed carry is the law of the land now…just how much training before getting a concealed carry permit should be required? This comes from a conversation about…

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Gov. Walker reappoints WEDC CEO despite job creation failures

I guess Gov. Scott Walker is in the business of rewarding failure, as he has reappointed Reed Hall as CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) despite the abject failure of WEDC to create jobs as promised by Gov. Walker. Gov. Scott Walker is keeping Reed Hall as the…

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Gun wielding citizen robbed of gun

But remember folks….making it easier for citizens to pack heat is supposed to deter criminals! William Coleman III was robbed of his Walter- brand P22 just after 2:00 a.m. October 4 in Gresham by a young man who asked him for it — and flashed his own weapon as persuasion….

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