Guest Blog: An Open Letter to Sen. Steven Nass

What follows is a guest blog written by Joanne Brown. An Open Letter to Sen. Steven Nass Dear Sen. Nass: I attended the hearing of the Senate Committee on Labor and Government Reform, from its beginning until about 4:45 p.m. I witnessed your conduct of the hearing, heard your comments…

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Scott Walker’s budget calls for an end to universities reporting sexual assaults

Among the more mind-blowing policy provisions of Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed biennial budget is a provision that would eliminate the requirement that universities report the number of sexual assaults that take place on their campuses. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposed budget—which would cut $300 million dollars out of the state’s…

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Guest Blog: You Want My Vote?

Last night, President Obama held a town hall meeting with Hispanic voters during which he chastised the Democrats for not going to the polls. I guess he didn’t get the memo, but I found a copy. Dear Mr. President, Democratic Representatives, State and National: Your constituents are going on strike….

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Polls, Democracy and Right To Work:

Over the past several days a number of proponents of the Right to Work legislation currently sailing through the Wisconsin legislature have been touting polling figures provided by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. As a matter of fact, Mike Nichols, the president of WPRI was touting them just this morning…

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By comparing protests to terrorism, Walker affirms his perpetual victim status

Zach posted the video earlier of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker answering a question about how to deal with ISIS–without question, the single most dangerous regime on the face of the planet right now–by saying he managed to face down 100,000 protestors in Madison when he and the WisGOP pushed through…

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A Profound Disconnect

As noted by long time Blogging Blue commenter CJ McD, Mike Tate wasn’t the only DPW official raising money while rank and file union members were protesting right to work at the Capitol building in Madison. Nation Consulting Senior Associate Jason Rae, a candidate for DPW Chair, held a fundraiser…

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Dumbass of The Year

First off, let me say that I wouldn’t give this award out to just anyone, or without due consideration. Over the years here at Blogging Blue I’ve been taken to task by readers, other contributors and commenters alike for my occasionally crude and insulting style of prose, like the time…

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VIDEO: Scott Walker compares peaceful labor protesters to ISIS terrorists

While addressing attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Gov. Scott Walker was asked by an audience member to explain how he’d deal with the threat of the ISIS if he were elected president. Walker started his response by noting he receives FBI threat briefings from his adjutant…

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Light a candle for Jeff Simpson

Those of you who are longtime readers of Blogging Blue may remember Jeff Simpson, who blogged here for several years. After leaving Blogging Blue, Jeff began blogging for Cognitive Dissidence, and from CogDis comes news Jeff is once again battling cancer. As many of Jeff Simpson’s friends and friends of…

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While activists protest right to work in the Capitol, Mike Tate raises money

I think this blog post sums up why so many progressive activists in Wisconsin are so fed up with Mike Tate and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is in danger of becoming the 25th “right to work” state by early March, with hearings held today, a Senate vote coming…

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