Why can’t Hillary Clinton just make up her mind about being a moderate?

During her post-Iowa caucus speech last night, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said, “I am a progressive….who gets things done for people.” As I watched Clinton’s speech, that line stuck with me, because I’m having a hard time figuring out where she stands. After all it was just a few…

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Texas investigates Planned Parenthood, indicts anti-abortion activists instead

Well isn’t this something… A Harris County grand jury on Monday indicted the videographers behind undercover recordings of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston and cleared the women’s health provider of any wrongdoing. The indictments — part of the county prosecutor’s investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling…

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Here’s your post-Iowa caucus open thread

So the Iowa caucuses are done and over with, and I’d like to hear your thoughts.

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