Sheriff Clarke Sues County Exec Abele Over First Amendment?

Well here’s a good one…Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is accusing Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele of infringing on the good sheriff’s 1st Amendment rights of free speech by trying to cut millions of dollars out of the sheriff departments budget last year. Really…I mean…really? Well I guess if you…

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Jeb Bush asks audience, “Please clap.”

This is super-awkward. Jeb Bush asks New Hampshire audience to 'please clap' — NBC News (@NBCNews) February 3, 2016

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Watch: Bernie Sanders’ speech after Iowa caucus results

On Monday Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave what at least one report has categorized as a speech that was given with little advance notice due to a Clinton campaign “meltdown” over the Democratic Iowa caucus results. Shortly after Clinton’s speech, her lone rival Bernie Sanders took to the stage…

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