Since when were Republicans in the business of pardoning murderers?

Wow….just wow. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s pardon of a convicted murderer who worked as an inmate trusty at the Governor’s Mansion came two weeks after the man was denied parole by a state board. A letter to one of the victims in the case said the Mississippi Parole Board turned…

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In the GOP Political Presidential Pipeline – Bigots

The GOP Presidential pipeline is shaping up to be full of religious bigots as several candidates go on the attack with a pledge to reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and to attack any marriage or civil union progress for gays and lesbians at the state and federal level.

Among the bigots pledging to reinstate the dastardly DADT are doughboy, former lobbyist and good old boy Mississppi Governor Haley Barbour worrying about amorous man sex on the battlefield hurting military effectiveness.

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