Something From My eMailbox

Three days ago I posted a little video clip of Dick Cheney circa 1994 talking about how bad it would be if we invaded Iraq all the way to Baghdad. A couple of folks out there in the blogosphere picked up on my post, but what’s really interesting is the email I got in my inbox today from the folks at MoveOn:

Dear MoveOn member,

This weekend, we came across a pretty remarkable snippet of video online. You’ve really got to see it to believe it.

Just click here to check it out:

And if you’re as amazed, saddened, and angered as we are—pass it on to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker and help make sure people all over the country see it.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Laura, Eli, Justin and the Political Action Team
Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

Now I’m sure it’s just a happy coincidence that the folks at MoveOn picked up on the same video clip as I, but it’s nice to know I found it first.

Edit: Chris Matthews also mentioned this video today on Hardball.


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