Guest Blog: Happy 4th of July from the Freedom State of California.

forwarded from a fan of Blogging Blue: Happy 4th of July from the Freedom State of California. Freedom. While Republicans cry freedom, they dictate the choices that people are allowed to make. Fanning the flames of these exhausting culture wars. Banning abortion, banning books and banning free speech in the…

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A Message From Mandela Barnes:

from our email inbox: Wisconsin, I cannot thank you enough. I want to thank my parents, who have been my biggest supporters. I wouldn’t be here today without their hard work, which gave me the opportunity to become Lt. Governor and run this campaign. And I want to thank the…

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And In Other Waukesha County Political News: State Sen. Dale Kooyenga announced he’s not seeking re-election

From my email inbox, this note from Wisconsin’s Senate Democratic candidate Tom Palzewicz: Today, State Sen. Dale Kooyenga announced he’s not seeking re-election in Wisconsin’s 5th Senate District, covering much of Wauwatosa, Brookfield, and New Berlin. While we disagree on many fundamental issues, I know that Senator Kooyenga and I…

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Jason Abraham threatens suit against Minocqua Brewing Company SuperPAC

In case you hadn’t heard (and I hadn’t until recently) the Mincoqua Brewing Company has set up their own super PAC. Once I became aware of the Minocqua Brewing Company’s SuperPAC I joined their email list to see what they’re up to – and it certainly seems like they’re ruffling…

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BLOC Statement on the shooting of Jacob Blake

From this afternoon’s email: this press release from Black Leaders Organizing for Communities: Once again, we as a Black people have to bear the trauma of witnessing yet another unarmed Black person be shot by a police officer. We stand with Jacob Blake and his family, which includes his own…

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Sports Desk: Eric Trump Suggests New Name For Washington NFL Team

This post is just pure snark, so proceed with caution: As I continue to wade through the email missives to Blogging Blue from various members of the Trump family and Trump campaign, I came acorss one from Eric Trump titled: It’s Patriots against Socialists! Ok, I added the exclamation point….

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On The Second Day Of The RNC And There’s A Sale On Tump Gear: We Have The Special Code!

This appeared in the Blogging Blue email this morning…a big sale on Trump 2020 Campaign Gear!!! So just so YOU don’t miss out, continue to read and glom onto the secret code! Have you shopped at our 2020 Convention sale yet? The 2020 GOP Convention is THIS WEEK and we…

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MKE Common Council On New Executive Director for the Fire and Police Commission

I have been working on an article about the hot mess that is the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission for two months now but every time I get into it some new shit happens. Tonight there will be a showdown around the police chief…but in the meantime the Common Council…

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The GOP’s Strange Relationship With Candidate’s Tax Returns

It’s been five years since candidate Donald Trump started his campaign. He couldn’t release his tax returns because they were being audited. I call bullshit but lets just accept that premise. NO one’s tax returns are so complicated that an audit for 2014 or 2015 or even 2016 wouldn’t have…

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Another Dishonest Email Solicitation From Dems.

I get an awful lot of emails from Democratic candidates around the nation and of course organizations like the DNC, DSCC, and DCCC. Because I have contributed to one or another of them at some time, they contact me again or sell my contact information to others. In line with…

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