Conservatives: Forgiveness Isn’t a Christian Value!

So now that Senator Larry Craig (R-Bathroom Stalls) has resigned in disgrace, it seems Young Jessica McBride (or YJM as I like to call her) is gunning for Senator Ted Kennedy’s resignation. Now you might be asking yourself what Senator Kennedy has done recently to warrant YJM saying Kennedy’s “next,” and I couldn’t help but wonder the same thing. I can only assume YJM is saying Kennedy’s “next” in reference to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick in 1969, since she referenced him being accused of leaving a woman to die in a previous blog entry.

Now unless I’m mistaken, I thought conservatives were supposed to be good Christians, but apparently their good Christian values don’t include forgiveness. Or maybe YJM is a conservative, but not a Christian. That seems to be the most logical reason for her inability (or is it unwillingness) to show a little forgiveness. Then again, I suppose showing forgiveness wouldn’t be good reading…


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