The Mystery Candidate

In a story that first came to light after yesterday’s Milwaukee Fire & Police Commission meeting, a new, unnamed candidate has been added to the list of candidates for Milwaukee’s soon to be vacant Police Chief position. The unnamed individual was apparently brought to the attention of the F&P Commission by George Kelling and Robert Wasserman, nationally-known police consultants who have been conducting a review of the Milwaukee Police Department. Not much is known about the candidate at this point, except that the individual is a current police chief, and Mayor Tom Barrett’s office – as well as the Fire & Police Commission – have already denied that this late addition could vault to the head of the pack among the finalists.

To be honest, I’ve never really been terribly impressed with most of the names on the list of finalists for Milwaukee’s top police job, so hopefully this new candidate is someone who’d bring a proven track record of positive results in the fight against crime. And heck, at least we can be sure the new addition is not Glenn Frankovis, and I think most rational folks would agree that’s a very good thing.

I’ve also heard a rumor from an unnamed source that the name added is either West Bend Chief of Police Kenneth Mueler or Providence Police Chief Dean Esserman. My money’s on Esserman, as he’s chief of a larger city and he’s got a proven record of solid results in reducing crime in Providence. Additionally, I believe he has ties to Kelling and Wasserman. If Esserman’s the mystery candidate, then I’d have to put him at the top of the list of finalists, provided he dots all the I’s and crosses all the T’s as he catches up to the other candidates.

Edit: According to All Politics Watch, Esserman says he’s not the guy that was added to the list.


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