No Spongebob? Say it ain’t so!

Due to a negotiating impasse between media giants Time Warner Cable and Viacom, Time Warner customers might not be able to watch Spongebob Squarepants and other shows, including The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (emphasis mine):

Media giant Viacom Inc. said its Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central and 16 other channels will go dark on Time Warner Cable Inc. at 12:01 a.m. Thursday if a new carriage fee deal is not agreed upon by then.

The impasse over carriage fee hikes would mean “SpongeBob” and other shows like “The Daily Show” will be cut off to 13 million subscribers, said spokesman Alex Dudley, a vice president at Time Warner Cable, the nation’s second-largest cable operator.

Viacom has asked for fee increases of between 22 percent and 36 percent per channel, an amount that could increase customers’ cable bills, Dudley said.

A fee increase that’s somewhere between 22 and 36 percent seems like a bit much to me, but I sure hope this situation gets resolved so my kids can still watch Spongebob tomorrow morning.

In honor of what might be Spongebob’s last day on Time Warner, here’s one of my favorite Spongebob moments:

H/T to Wiggy.


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