An angel in Queens, New York

This is a story worth sharing.

It’s the story of Jorge Munoz, a 46 year-old school bus driver from Queens, New York who has spent the past few years cooking, packing, and giving away free hot meals to hungry people under a subway stop in New York City. During that time, Munoz has given away some 70,000 total meals.

Munoz says he spends more than half of his salary, of roughly $700 per week, buying food from local grocery stores. Every night, for the past four years, Munoz comes home from work, takes a quick coffee break, then heads out to diligently collect food donations from the community and then shops for more groceries. He heads home to meet a team, consisting of his mother, sister, 5-year-old nephew and a friend. Together, they are a well-oiled machine, as they multiply whatever they’re having for dinner into, by 120 to 140 home cooked meals, carefully packed with love and care in his tiny kitchen, in his shoe-box size flat. His living room looks more like a pantry, filled with fresh food, parceled out, and ready to be cooked. There are even bags of clothes and blankets, cleaned and ready to be given out. His stove, isn’t fully operating anymore because it’s been overused to cook food in bulk. Because the stove is broken, he carries huge restaurant sized vats of food up to his sister’s apartment to cook– just so he can make his daily deadline. “They depend on me,” says Munoz. Even with an injured back, he never once complains about the love and labor he puts into his daily routine of service.

Here’s some video of Jorge Munoz in action:


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