Congressmen Ryan and Petri voted for “death panels”

As noted by Cory Liebmann of Eye On Wisconsin, back in 2003 Republican Congressmen Paul Ryan and Tom Petri voted in favor of the same “death panels” so many conservatives are now caterwauling about.

Remember the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act that was pushed by George W. Bush and passed with massive support from Congressional Republicans? Well, it turns out that legislation contained funding for the same kind of end of life counseling that so many conservatives are now calling “death squads.” What’s more, the language in the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act circa 2003 is nearly identical to the language in the current health care reform legislation (H.R. 3200), with some minor differences.

Both Rep. Paul Ryan and Rep. Tom Petri voted in favor of the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act and the “death panels” that bill would have set up, so I can’t help but wonder when those same folks who are now caterwauling about the supposed “death panels” H.R. 3200 would institute are going to start attacking Rep. Petri and Rep. Ryan for supporting essentially the same thing back in 2003. My guess is we won’t hear of any conservatives attacking Rep. Petri and Rep. Ryan, because that’d mean exposing their dirty little secret.


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3 thoughts on “Congressmen Ryan and Petri voted for “death panels”

  1. Someone on Fox News said the same thing about Palin last night. She supported a similar bill in Alaska. I think how they justify their hypocrisy is they say the “Feds” shouldn’t be the ones doing the counseling. That’s the “big” difference in their minds…(I think).

  2. Ryan and Petri were just as wrong then as this entire healthcare fraud is now. All of it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL just like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, etc., etc., etc., etc.

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