Facts are stubborn things

From whitehouse.gov, Linda Douglass (White House Health Reform Office) gives us an example of how people disseminate false information on healthcare reform.

Here are the eight points to remember in healthcare reform:

1. No Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions
2. Insurance companies will be prohibited from refusing you coverage because of your medical history.
3. No Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays
Insurance companies will have to abide by yearly caps on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses.
4. No Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care
Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge, regular checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
5. No Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill
Insurance companies will be prohibited from dropping or watering down insurance coverage for those who become seriously ill.
6. No Gender Discrimination
. Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging you more because of your gender.
7. No Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage
Insurance companies will be prevented from placing annual or lifetime caps on the coverage you receive.
Extended Coverage for Young Adults
Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26.
8.Guaranteed Insurance Renewal
Insurance companies will be required to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. Insurance companies won’t be allowed to refuse renewal because someone became sick.


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16 thoughts on “Facts are stubborn things

  1. It’s all there in the bill. The democrats bill on the governments website….. Are questioning your own party’s reputability???? Oh how fresh!!!! Someone gets it!!!!!!

  2. I wonder how many opponents of the Obama Healthcare Reform initiative have ever had serious health problems for themselves or their loved ones?
    If you have had serious or chronic healthcare problems and you have not had any insurance issues, please let me know who your provider is.

    My best friend in Illinois has a son who has heart problems. The teenager on Monday had his pulmonary valve replaced with an oversized one so that as he continues to grow he will not need surgeries for hopefully 15 to 20 years. The boy’s last open heart surgery occurred when he was 5 years old and that valve could no longer support him.
    The insurance company, God Bless their financial heart, has told the father that the boy can only stay 4 nights in the hospital. The doctors say this is nonsense and that a week is needed before they will release him. The father is naturally upset and was to have words with the insurance company today. I am sure that I will hear more. My friend, the father, is scheduled a week from this coming Monday for his third and final surgery to cauterize leaking blood vessels in his brain. I have heard enough stories about how the insurance company argued against preventive surgery. They wanted to wait until this last leak was large enough to impact him. The insurance company apparently does not care about the risk to his life. The first time a leak happened, my friend reached for a pizza in the grocery feezer and woke up in the hospital. Thank goodness he was not driving his car.

    I am a complete fan of national healthcare and I hope the Democratic Party can pull this off. I prefer a different type of program but I am willing to take what I can get today so that good and decent people with medical problems can receive untroubled health care.

    The right wing extremists that see dignity, courage, and freedom in the pain and suffering caused by insurance companies can blow it all through their nose.

    The healthcare success in the United States is not due to insurance companies but to people who dedicate their lives to improving the lives of others.

    We should recognize that and not fear healthcare reform.

    1. “My best friend in Illinois has a son…”

      Anectdotal is not the singular of data. Personal stories & experiences mean something to those involved, but drops exponentially beyond that. My friend knows somebody who actually got $1 from Bill Gates for every email he forwarded.

      “The healthcare success in the United States is not due to insurance companies but to people who dedicate their lives to improving the lives of others.”

      I couldn’t agree more. But I believe that the same guys who bring us the DMV will only drive those types of people away from the profession. Perhaps my greatest fear is that best & the brightest will choose to be lawyers instead of doctors.

  3. Today Rush Limbaugh talked about this video and ratcheted up his rhetoric.

    He thinks this is a domestic spy program run by the President….sigh…

    Could somebody please tell him the difference between a spy network that tries to learn what you do not wish to divulge and a network that collects publicly available information?

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Heath care reform is fine. Do something to help those in need not the majority of us who aren’t. Start with one of the biggest causes of high health care costs… Tort reform. This administration should work to fix things, not lie to push through an agenda. The left’s talking heads are out in force calling opponents liars but everything being reported by the opponents is true…. It’s IN THE BILL. The plan is for a single payer system not some kind of fix to help only those in need. The reason why people flock to this country for treatment is because it’s the best on the planet, not the cheapest. Help those in need, leave the rest of us alone…….. I don’t to live like a Canadian.

    1. Every statement I make will lead to more rhetoric and I will not convince you that you are wrong.
      Every statement that you make will not convince me that I am wrong.
      This healthcare reform will divide this nation just like slavery did.
      The Great Healthcare Civil War is brewing. Where is Fort Sumter this time?
      The Blue Legs will be the supporters of the current Administration. The Red Legs will be the Republicans opposed to freeing the middle class from their employer-based insurance slavery.
      Who will capture the first flag metaphorically-speaking?
      Who will free the people in bondage to rampant healthcare costs and no healthcare coverage? Who will fight for the status quo?
      It is the early spring of 1861, my friends.

      1. Sorry I don’t buy that either. The dividing issues in Washington aren’t really fundamental ideological ones, they’re just political/game ones. Reasonable compromise and reform are possible – we just need reasonable people in Congress. The state of Massachusetts reached a compromise that equally angered/mollified both sides. Universal coverage, through government subsidy of premiums for those in need, but individual responsibility in actually requiring the purchase of plans. I’m sure there are bumps, but it was a reasonable compromise that really looks to be a much, much better solution and could be a good road map. Why is nobody talking about it or looking at it? Of course the answer is that it’s all about politics and rhetoric and has little to do with solving problems and helping people.

        1. A Republican governor in a Democratic state like Massachusetts going for healthcare reform is not the same as what is happening in Congress for the country.
          I think this will become much more serious in the next five weeks.
          There is a palpable fear among many Americans that capitulation on healthcare will lead to socialism by a Muslim who happens to not be a natural born citizen and therfore not their President.
          Another story: My colleague has been suffering from re-current gum infections and has been lamenting the $6,000 estimate to correct this. The company has a $5K deductible health insurance plan with an HSA. Through his pain today, he lamented the cost of correction, the $60 for a doctor’s visit to obtain a prescription, and whether he could just take antibiotics every few weeks instead of paying for correction. Obviously, he was torn about what to do. Later he became very animated how the government program would ruin healthcare in America and how government would be telling people what to do and rationing healthcare.
          “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” came to my mind while I was listening to him. He will not accept compromise on this issue regardless of his personal circumstances. He is an articulate and educated man who has convictions that cannot be changed.

          This healthcare reform will not occur without a high proportion of citizen activation to defeat it.
          I think there is more to come.

          1. Your contention, that it is such a divided, immovable issue that it can’t get done – Massachusetts only proves my point all the more because it was a Republican governor and Democrat legislature that did it.

  5. Employer-based insurance slavery
    Slavery? As I recall slavery was not a choice. If you were a slave, you were a slave. Employer-based insurance is a choice. You can take it or not. It’s called a BENEFIT. Employers are not required to offer it but do to attract talent and most people in the US have insurance by choice. We can chose the type of policy we want with the type of coverage we need. With a single payer system, we will not have a choice. It’s the governments way or nothing. Heavy fines will be incurred if we don’t comply. Doctors will not have choices and will be forced to do as the government says or suffer the consequences. Which one of these is more analogous to slavery?

    1. You are correct. I was over the top with that phrase. In the light of day it is an extreme statement. I have no defense of it.

  6. Blue… You should not feel that citing part of this countries history is a bad thing. It’s history…. Something we should all learn from. I didn’t feel that your analogy was over the top. I just thought it was wrong. Anybody who trashes you for referring to history should pick up a history book and learn a few things before they speak. You were not being malicious or mean. You were trying to make a point.
    I appreciate your honesty. That’s why I stop by here.

  7. Every statement begins with “Insurance companies must” such as “Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge…” Does that mean in those instances government picks up the tab?

    It looks like with all these restrictions and requirements, the desire is to just let insurance companies wither on the vine (rather than outlaw them immediately) with the ultimate goal of single payer (despite all the Democrat denials).

    And what’s with “Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26.” 26?! At 26 you are far from being a dependent child.

    I really have a distaste for all this government dependency.

  8. P.S. Does Obama have an answer for all the people who will be out of work in the health and insurance industries once they go away? Or will they all just become public employees. Oh that will be great — more government employees. I can’t wait.

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