Just a reminder…

…that Rep. Gwen Moore’s health care informational session will be held this afternoon from 4-6 p.m. at North Division High School, located on 10th and Center in Milwaukee.

If you’re planning on attending…keep an eye out for me; I’ll be wearing the bright green AFSCME t-shirt.


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8 thoughts on “Just a reminder…

    1. E, there was actually a Q&A session for those who attended, in addition to the questions Rep. Moore answered from those submitted via the internet.

    1. I don’t own an ACORN shirt, PB. I don’t know what that says about my lefty street cred, but my green AFSCME shirt is as good as it gets.

  1. Question: did they require you (or anyone wishing to enter) provide proof you live in Moore’s district? I heard that was going to happen, but would like to hear whether it did or not.

    Follow-up question: if they did require proof of residency to attend the session, what do you think about that? Why is is OK to require ID/proof of residency to attend a public forum with a representative but not require it to actually vote for said representative?

    1. To answer your question, I wasn’t required to provide any ID when I entered. They did ask that I sign in, but they weren’t really checking to see what I wrote.

    1. Silly E, I don’t ever work overtime. What’s more, I was done with work at 3pm today, so I wasn’t in paid status.

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