“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

That seems to be Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake’s motto when it comes to health care reform, at least according to an interview :

“We already have 100% universal coverage to health care… emergency rooms. Um, now, it, it may sound callous to say well, if you need health care and you don’t have health insurance uh you know, find an emergency room, but it’s also the way the system has been designed, uh, and it works.”

Clearly, Dave Westlake has a tenuous grasp on reality, especially if he thinks the current health care system works and provides 100% universal coverage for all citizens. After all, emergency rooms don’t provide preventative care, nor do emergency rooms serve as primary health care for folks whose illnesses or injuries may not be emergent or life-threatening. What’s more, the costs associated with emergency rooms treating patients without insurance are directly passed on to consumers, resulting in higher costs, so the system clearly doesn’t work, and it needs to be fixed.

Dave Westlake is clearly clueless when it comes to health care, and the fact that he believes the current system provides coverage to all Americans and isn’t broken serves as yet another set of reasons why Dave Westlake isn’t fit to serve as Wisconsin’s United States Senator.

Big H/T to Jim at Pretty Important Politics.


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