6 thoughts on “DNC Nails GOP and Ryan on Medicare Cuts

  1. Ah yes, once again from that very objective source known as the DNC. Still using George W. Bush in their ads (I don’t think that will be very effective come this election season). And Newt! And scaring old people into voting for them to protect the status quo. Is this even a new ad or one from 2002? Vintage Dem.

  2. Thanks for the comments.

    Given that Newt is considered a party leader, it is entirely appropriate to use him in ads. Check out the GOP’s house organ – Faux News (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,584475,00.html) for more on this. George Bush will be part of ads for a long time given the disaster he left behind. In terms of scaring old people, the GOP has long been a pro at this, so payback is only fair.

    I for one am into vintage, when it is effective.

    1. Hey, by all means, if Dems want to keep running against George W Bush, go right ahead. That may have worked in 08, but I don’t think it’s going to be effective anymore. Most people are already catching on that the Dems can’t blame Bush forever. I am half expecting the DNC to dust off the “wither on the vine” ad with Bob Dole!

      How has the GOP scared old people?

      “Payback is only fair” is just what people hate about politics. I thought that’s just the sort of thing Obama came to DC to change. Guess that was just another tired campaign promise.

      1. “How has the GOP scared old people?”

        By projecting their own rationing and kill-Grandma wishes, as exemplified by Ryan’s plan, onto the Democrats. From http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2010/02/house-gop-medicare-elimination-plan-puts-conservatives-in-a-pickle.php


        To be clear about the difference, though, the Democrats had a targeted proposal to try to eliminate specific inefficiencies. They want to take out some bonus subsidies to private insurance firms that Republicans larded onto Medicare in the 1990s. And they have a plan for a beefed-up Medicare payments commission that, in theory, should allow reimbursement rates to be made in a more technically sound manner. Some people claim these measures will have an adverse impact on patients, but that’s really a quite debatable claim.

        The House GOP budget, by contrast, just goes after Medicare with a chain saw. Right now, the rapidly rising cost of health care implies rapidly increasing Medicare costs. Ryan doesn’t have a plan to control those exploding costs. Instead, his plan is to refuse to pay the bill. This saves a ton of money. If instead of paying for old people’s health care you just . . . don’t pay for their health care, then you reduce expenditures a great moment. But the reason nobody’s come up with this genius proposal before is that we’ve had a decades-long commitment to finding a way to ensure a dignified retirement, including adequate medical care.

  3. I like a strong simple message, but the DNC failed in this ad with tired predictable cliche’s.

    Quoting Ryan from the Ezra Cline interview on rationing would have been the nail in the coffin. “Rationing happens today! The question is who will do it? The government? Or you, your doctor and your family?” Story here…http://democurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2010/02/rep-paul-ryan-on-his-medicare-rationing.html


    Again, a missed opportunity. Democrats are hopeless.

  4. I like a strong simple message, but the DNC failed in this ad with tired predictable cliche’s.

    Quoting Ryan from the Ezra Cline interview on rationing would have been the nail in the coffin. “Rationing happens today! The question is who will do it? The government? Or you, your doctor and your family?” Story here…http://democurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2010/02/rep-paul-ryan-on-his-medicare-rationing.html


    Again, a missed opportunity. Democrats are hopeless.

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