Terrence Wall’s Greatest Hits, Volume 1 – Global Warming & Renewable Energy

Watch as Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terrence Wall shares his thoughts on global warming and renewable energy:

Not only does Wall demonstrate he doesn’t know the difference he doesn’t know the difference between climate and weather (and yes, there is a difference), he also shows he’s ignorant of the fact that Wisconsin can in fact generate healthy amounts of wind power, as opposed to relying on coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, etc. In fact, Wisconsin’s wind farms have over 300 turbines generating roughly 449 megawatts of power, which by my estimation is enough to power somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 homes. While Terrence Wall is certainly right that Wisconsin has the manufacturing capacity to build turbines, generators, etc., we also have the ability to capitalize on the renewable energy resources the state contains – renewable energy sources such as wind power, geothermal, and biomass.


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4 thoughts on “Terrence Wall’s Greatest Hits, Volume 1 – Global Warming & Renewable Energy

  1. Likewise, we can make much more solar power here than one would expect. Germany is farther north than Wisconsin, yet it generates a full three times the solar energy as the entire United States. We’re way behind on that curve. Time to make it right, and get us up to speed. I’d love a solar water heater. Those things are so efficient that they can really reduce a house’s power consumption. Alas, Mr. Wall does not seem interested in doing anything other than maintaining the status quo and painting government as the boogieman.

    1. Jason, all excellent points that you raise. The fact is, Wall doesn’t seem interested in anything beyond the talking points he’s being spoonfed by his handlers.

    2. Even So, solar produces just 1% of energy in Germany. However, it will be interesting to see what happens. Currently, Germany heavily subsidizes solar but those subsidies are scheduled for 17% cuts.

  2. Remember when Sarah Palin’s telemprompter had nuclear written out as “NEW-CLEAR”? Mr. Wall would do well to adopt that strategy. Maybe hand notes.

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