Rebecca Kleefisch refuses to debate Tom Nelson

Wow, no shock here….

Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor Tom Nelson is challenging Republican candidate Rebecca Kleefisch to five debates over the next month.

Kleefisch spokeswoman Jill Bader says there are no plans for her to debate Nelson.

Nelson sent Kleefisch a letter on Tuesday asking her to debate him in Green Bay, Wausau, Eau Claire, La Crosse and Superior.

I guess the Walker campaign is content to simply hide Rebecca Kleefisch away, perhaps because they know she’d get her backside handed to her in a debate with Tom Nelson.


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9 thoughts on “Rebecca Kleefisch refuses to debate Tom Nelson

  1. I’m guessing if any conservative mentioned a liberal woman’s backside in this context, there would be big charges of SEXISM.

      1. Hey I didn’t create the politically correct world we live in. If you’re going to play by those sometimes-ridiculous rules when it suits you, then you probably abide by them all of the time. You just KNOW if Scott Walker said something about boxing gloves and a woman’s backside you liberals would be all over him.

  2. Also wondering what on earth two candidates running for an irrelevant office would talk about in six debates!

    1. Five debates. While I see your point about the number of debates, given the lack of actual formal responsibilities that office has, it’d be nice to see a couple of debates.

      1. Valid point. I think one debate would have been fine/appropriate, mirroring the Vice Presidential tradition of one debate.

        I could make a comment about the over-importance and attention given to these “debates” which aren’t true debates, but that’s a separate issue entirely. When in the first governor’s debate there weren’t even rebuttals, it amounts to nothing more than a recitation of talking points and cheap jabs without any engagement, interaction, or exchange of ideas. Also, they air these things on Friday nights. Who is watching?

        On second thought I wouldn’t debate Nelson either unless Barrett/Nelson campaign agreed not to use the footage in a slimy TV ad, something Barrett refused to do in his first debate with Walker.

      2. I’ll agree that I’d like to see the debates be much more interactive between the two candidates, because it’s not really a debate if there’s no opportunity for the candidates to rebut each other.

  3. I have always said that I think debates should be mandatory. While its bipartisan to tryand skip them, this is the year of the republican disappearing candidates.
    The question is, does she not want to do them? Or is scott walker not allowing them?

  4. Hey progressive,
    It’s kinda like the Sara Palin thing..if she opens her mouth she’s not so pretty anymore, just ignorant. She is so being used…. Of course Walker won’t let her talk. Becky should go sell mary kay makeup she sure wears enough of it!

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