Young People Speaking out on HCR

Here’s a great ad – highly visual and engaging – from the point of view of young adults who now have health care coverage due to the enactment of some of the provisions of the Health Care Reform Act.

Hat tip to Liberal Values


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4 thoughts on “Young People Speaking out on HCR

  1. Boo hoo. I’m a lazy twenty-something who only thinks about what others can do for me. Well let me tell you a story.

    Just 5 years ago, I was a 23 year old who got kicked off my fathers insurance while attending graduate school. Oh, and I had a preexisting condition. You know what I did? I got a job in a g.d. warehouse to pay for my insurance. I had a B.S. in engineering and there I was driving a forklift. I didn’t complain, I didn’t sign up for Badger Care, I didn’t even ask my parents for money. I got the insurance I wanted to see the doctors I wanted to see. I worked there for a year until a got a full-time engineering job and fisnished off grad shcool. Things worked out for the best.

    If your asking for sympathy from me, no dice. Call me mean, I don’t care. I did for myself what had to be done and didn’t depend on Congress to do it for me. Bunch of babies.

    1. that’s cool and congrats on your resourcefulness and completing your education…but you apparently overlooked a very small issue…recent college grads can’t get jobs…and those that do often don’t get insurance benefits as part of their employment package…it’s all part of the recession…our free market at work!

      1. recent college grads can’t get jobs…and those that do often don’t get insurance benefits as part of their employment package…it’s all part of the recession

        So let’s fix a root cause – that health insurance shouldn’t tied so tightly to employment. A situation it’s worth noting, that was created by the government.

  2. I guess the federal government should be in charge of buying them some clothes too. I mean, the government should mandate Kohls, Gap, and Walmart to clothe them for free until age 27.

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