Chris Abele, Jim Sullivan announce campaigns for County Executive

From my email inbox comes the announcement by Milwaukee philanthropist Chris Abele, President and CEO of the Argosy Foundation, that he’s running for Milwaukee County Executive.

If you’re like me, you look at Milwaukee County today and you know we must do better.

We need to fix the County’s fiscal crisis with real reform, and stop the runaway debt and bloated budgets.

We must protect critical County services and progressive values that for years have been neglected — like transit, mental health services, and support for our parks.

Instead of doing nothing, or worse, getting in the way, the County needs to actually partner with the private sector to help create jobs.

And we must do all of this while keeping taxes low.

This is a tall order, which is exactly why we don’t need the status quo offering more of the same. Now is the time for an honest voice for bold reform, and this is why I’m running to be your next County Executive.

Please support me with a contribution today of $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can give during this holiday season.

I’m not a politician, and I’m not an extreme partisan. I’ve started businesses and created jobs. I’ve managed budgets and been accountable for results. I’ve worked hard with civic leaders, like the Boys and Girls Clubs, to strengthen our community. And I have fought for our shared progressive values without being an ideologue.

The challenges facing Milwaukee County are severe. We need new ideas and innovative solutions, not business-as-usual that will make our problems worse. Can I list you as a supporter, and will you help our campaign today with a contribution of $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can donate?

I love Milwaukee County. I’m proud to call this community home and wouldn’t live anywhere else. I’m running for County Executive because we need real reform and new ideas to move this County forward. I’d be honored to have your support.

Undeterred by Abele’s entry into the race -or Abele’s deep pockets – ousted Democratic State Senator Jim Sullivan announced on Tuesday he’ll running for County Executive:

“Now more than ever, we need a County Executive that can balance the budget while protecting the critical services that county residents depend on,” Sullivan concluded. “As County Executive I will roll up my sleeves and make the tough decisions necessary to get our county back on the right track.”


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