Perspectives on Gay Marriage from the Son of a Lesbian Couple

Zach Walls a 19 year old Iowan attacks the bigotry of those seeking to take away marriage rights for gays and lesbians in IA. His very articulate speech shows the importance of a loving family and demonstrates how young people are recognizing the bigotry of the past will have no sway in the future.  The troglodytes of the IA house passed a bill to take away the rights of gays and lesbians to marry, to form civil unions or domestic partnerships in a vote that passed 62 – 37 according to Towleroad.  These doddering geezers of the right, center and god forbid the left, need to listen to Zach and be ashamed of their bigotry.

The hateful Julaine Appling and those of her ilk, also need to listen to this young man when they seek to retract the minimal domestic partner rights that were put into place during the Doyle administration. She, Walker and every bigoted Democrat and Republican should watch this video. Not only should they they watch the video, but for those in political power, they should seek to model their social policies on those of our other neighbor – Illinois – where Governor Quinn just signed a civil union bill or MD or RI, two other states likely to pass civil unions or marriage rights in the next year. WI, once a progressive bellwether has fallen behind not only our neighbors but other leading states that have shown far more progressive attitudes on this and a multitude of other critical issues like health care and public transportation.


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8 thoughts on “Perspectives on Gay Marriage from the Son of a Lesbian Couple

  1. Most people who are anti-gay marriage, anti-civil unions, could careless of children who were raised by those people. After all in their eyes, they’re already brainwashed, probably gay themselves, part of the problem, and will never be any use in their society. A taint in that respect and there’s no reason to listen to those with faulty logic. Similar how they say think of the children, but when it comes to children outside of their own they simply say they have to pay the consequences for being born.

    The people who need to hear this the most will block their own ears and run from these words. Hateful people generally don’t have an ability to listen. Just look at the Civil Rights Movement. We never truly solved the problem there, and many of those people never changed their opinions and likely never will until their deaths.

    It was a touching speech regardless though, and I agree with it.

  2. Wow. Really, only 19? I can imagine how proud his mothers are of him. I hope I see him on TV after this as a spokesperson for children of gay couples.

  3. Outstanding. Thanks for finding this video. You are correct the hateful and single Julaine appling, stands with the hateful and multi married newt gingrich to protect the sanctity of marriage. No thank you!

  4. Have you 3 lost your mind? He’s articulate, great, so what. Lots of homos are articualte and/or nice dressers. How could you forget that faggotry is an obamanation (pun intended lol).

    1. Get a life Joshua! Not in the least bit funny.

      It sounds to me like you are envious of his nice clothes and ability to speak intelligently. The clothes envy is telling. I’d suggest you clean out your closet.

      If your assumption about his sexuality are correct then under your worldview it would logically follow that every child of a straight couple would be straight and every child of a smart couple would be smart and every child of a stupid couple would be stupid. We know this isn’t true.

      1. Thank you MADCITY MAN. My words to the point..The people that are saying these hateful things are just shallow && stupid and UNEDUCATED!!!!!!

    2. Funny, I don’t recall the young man in the video disclosing that he’s homosexual. Perhaps in your mind anyone who stands up for the rights of same-sex couples are themselves homosexual, but that just shows how bigoted you are.

    3. He didn’t say he was gay, dicksneeze.

      The argument that they can’t reproduce and shouldn’t be marry is old. There are a lot of straight couples who can’t reproduce either in ‘immoral’ ways by destroying many embryonic stem cells. They shouldn’t be allowed to go to fertility clinic on the principle that I remember the Republican Party telling me that every embryonic stem cell is sacred.

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