Some Scary Aspects Around Moms For Liberty and One In Particular

At just four years old, the Moms for Liberty have become a growing force in the MAGA Republican Party. Not only staunch supporters of Donald Trump they are often pushing radical conservative agendas around sex education, gender equality, book banning, abolition of the federal Dept. of Education, reduction in Title…

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So, What Has The Bobster Been Up To?

Your best friend in childhood has the formal given name of Robert. His folks called him Bob or Bobbie. Somewhere along the line he picked up the nickname, Bobster. He’s cool with it. You’re cool with it. Everyone is cool with it. So cool in fact, that (Bobster) will be…

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Ron Johnson Says We Don’t Need To Pass Legislation To Protect Marriage Equality

He says it’s settled law and no matter what Justice Clarence Thomas said in his support of reversing Roe v. Wade, eliminating marriage equality just won’t happen. Yet, the common knowledge was that Roe v. Wade was settled law and well….we all know what did in fact happen. So, this…

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All Right Kids, This Ain’t Funny: MTG’s House Gets Swatted.

Although I have absolutely no love for Marjorie Taylor Greene and wish she were as far away from Washington D.C. as possible…shit like this isn’t funny…and this is how people get hurt. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s home “swatted,” Rome police say. Police said they responded to a 911 call about…

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a same-sex marriage vote was a ‘stupid waste of time’

this is a quote from Senator Marco Rubio (R – FLA 1959). You may want to read the linked article since it actually describes Sen. Rubio stating that belief to the press before getting into an elevator with openly gay Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI 2022). and then let me also…

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We Need A Wellness Check on Sen. Ron Johnson: STAT

maybe he stumbled yet again but this time hit his head? or did someone finally read the polling numbers to him? Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson signaled Thursday that he would vote for legislation to codify same-sex marriage into federal law. In a statement, Johnson said he wouldn’t oppose the Respect…

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Sermon On The Mount: Love Everyone

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VIDEO: One father explains how transgender bigotry will affect his daughter

This is a must watch. According to the Human Rights Campaign 2021 is already a record year in regards to the number of anti-transgender bills that have been submitted in legislatures all across the country. In their haste to sow division and hate Republican elected officials across the country are…

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Ruth, Justice, and the American Way

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Well We Aren’t There Yet: LGBTQ candidates:

About a month ago I wondered out loud when we would be able stop saying the first (*) to get elected (*) or the first (*) be become (*)…but I knew at the time that we were a long way from there. So today’s article by Bruce Murphy at Urban…

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