Maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself

During his election night victory speech, Congressman Sean Duffy told the assembled crowd that the great task of his generation was to stop the ” creeping socialism ” that he feels is threatening America. What was Duffy talking about?

The only thing I could think of that made any sense is that Duffy must be afraid of the citizens of North Dakota. Why?

Because North Dakota has the only state owned bank in the United States. A state owned bank is socialism. What kind of horrible oppression do the North Dakotans live under from their form of socialism?

North Dakota currently enjoys a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. The Bank of North Dakota didn’t get involved in making the kinds of wildly speculative sub-prime loans that toppled Wall Street brokerage firms, and that prompted Congress to bail out large commercial banks.

And when large banks won’t lend money to small businesses and family farmers, the Bank of North Dakota does, keeping North Dakotans money at home instead of sending it to Wall Street. By God, that does sound downright un-American!

What can be done about this imminent threat to American capitalism? Maybe we should invade North Dakota? We could probably catch them completely off guard. Or maybe Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana should erect large border fences to stem the tide of socialist immigration to other states?

Better yet, maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself and quit spouting hysterical nonsense?


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25 thoughts on “Maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself

  1. Boycott the folks that made walker/republican war on working Americans possible:

    ABC Supply Co
    Agrecol Corp
    Allen Edmonds Shoes
    AMK Concepts & Services
    Anew Health Care Services Inc
    AO Smith Corp
    Apache Stainless Steel
    Artisan Partners
    Atlantic DQ
    Audio Implements/GKC
    Badger Meter
    Baraboo Growth
    Bevco Ergonomic Seating
    Blomquist Benefits Consulting
    Boerke Co Inc
    Bradley Foundation
    Brian Retzlaff Trucking
    Briggs & Stratton
    Burke Properties
    Burlington Northern Santa Fe…
    Call Solutions
    Campbell Wrapper Corp
    CD Smith Construction
    Chambers & Owen
    Charro Restaurante
    Charter Manufacturing
    Church Mutual Insurance
    Cobalt Partners LLC
    Commonwealth Development Corp…
    Continental Properties Co Inc
    County Concrete
    Couri Insurance Agency
    Custom Pak Products
    EBY-Brown Co
    Einhorn Associates
    Emergency Medicine Specialists
    Endeavors Group
    Fabco Equipment Inc
    Fashion Angels Enterprises
    Feather Larson & Synhorst…
    Fiduciary Management
    First American Funding
    Fisher Barton Inc
    Glenora Co
    GMR Marketing
    Gogebic Taconite LLC
    Gold Leaf Development
    Hal Leonard Publishing
    Hammes Co
    Harris Associates
    Hay Creek Pallett
    Heartland Advisors
    Hexagon Investments
    High Crossing Development Corp
    Holton Brothers Construction
    Horton Group
    Hovde Financial
    Hy Cite Corp
    Inpro Corp
    Insight Industries
    Irgens Development Partners
    Johnson Controls
    Johnsonville Foods
    JSD Professional Services Inc
    Kapur & Associates
    KBS Construction
    Koss Corp
    Krier Foods
    Kwik Trip
    Lorman Education Services
    Lubar & Co
    M&I Bank
    Meissner, Tierney, et al
    Michels Corp
    Midwest Neurosurgical
    Minnesota Wild
    MJ Construction Inc
    Morrison Creek Cranberry
    Nicholas Company Inc
    Nova Surgical LLC
    Orthopaedic Associates of…
    Panduit Corp
    Paper Machinery Corp
    Payne & Dolan
    Pinstripe Inc
    Plastic Surgery Group
    Prent Corp
    Promotions Unlimited
    RCI FirstPathway Partners
    Reiman Publications
    Richardson Industries
    Rite Hite Corp
    Roehl Transport
    Salomon Smith Barney
    Sargento Inc
    SC Johnson & Sons
    Schneider National
    School choice
    Sendik’s Food Market
    Shannon Sales Inc
    SIG Financial Holdings
    Specialty Underwriters
    St John Properties Inc
    Standard Process Laboratories
    Stark Investments
    Super Steel Products
    Tamarack Petroleum Co
    Tankcraft Corp
    Tries & Rice
    Uihlein Wilson Architects
    US Counseling Service
    US Oil Co
    V Duane Rath Foundation
    Wausau Homes
    Wausau Paper
    West Allis Salvage
    West Bend Clinic
    Zenith Tech (read less)

    1. CB,

      Come out and name yourself, and your cause, and then organize it in a meaningful and effective way, or shut the fuck up. Thanks.


      1. You know, the more I read this concerned badger guy, the more I think he’s a republican. Zach,: how do I get a comment at the top of this post: above CB’s?

    2. How about a cross reference to show how many of these companies also contributed to Mayor Barrett’s campaign…I would guess more than a few.

  2. Absolutely. North Dakota has a history of being conservative but with a populist streak (thus the state bank). As I always say, government isn’t the problem; incompentent people running the government is.

  3. Jack,

    You make an excellent point, and the common ground here between conservatism and populism is good old fashioned common sense.

    I used the word socialist for obvious reasons, but what we’re talking about is common sense. Read for yourselves.

    Which Wisconsinites out there would refuse to keep their money in the Badger State Bank? Think about it.

  4. I see this blog is all keyboarding an no action – just another version of atrio’s “101st keyboarding brigade”

    Go ahead, pretend to be a genius that is making a difference – anyone that comes to your blog clearly sees otherwise.

    Real change will take real action – no progress was made in civil rights or worker rights without strikes and boycotts.

    But you silence those voices.

    So pound-a-way at your little keyboard or blackberry and pretend to be important – you are doing NOTHING for change and are actively censoring that dialog!

    1. Yeah, because clearly you’re making a difference, what with all your references to scat, anuses, colons, the Koch brothers, and Johnsonville sausages.

    2. CB…talk all you want as far as we can see all you are is a blog troll…there’s no way to tell if you are actually in the trenches or not either since you hide behind a pseudonym. My guess is this is all YOU GOT!

  5. people ain’t buying those sausages, moron, but don’t take my word for it, ask WI retailers.

    better yet – call johnsonville

    Oh yeah – you are just a keyboarder with nothing but snark.

    What a silly little blog…

    Try some MEANINGFUL ACTION sometime – it actually works.

    But it won’t let you pretend to be a superstar.

  6. Ask randy hopper if we have a “silly little blog”….concerned, whoever you are, the thing is if we all sat down in a room, we would probably get along well, although you need to learn the term “moderation”.

    1. Why not just “moderate”/delete his previous comments, then make his posting privileges contingent on using his real name, and on participating rationally?

      1. Zach is pretty even handed here and lets us all use the screen name that we want. There’s no reason he should change just for one individual. I would prefer to know who I am talking to but until I decide to do my own site, it’s not up to me to say.

        With that said MJS is tightening its comment access.

        1. Zach,

          I wasn’t being critical…his little diatribes are amusing in their own little way…and I don’t think anyone here takes them as anything but the minor league attempts at political activism that they can never even hope to be!

  7. During his election night victory speech, Congressman Sean Duffy told the assembled crowd that the great task of his generation was to stop the ” creeping socialism ” that he feels is threatening America. What was Duffy talking about?

    The only thing I could think of that made any sense is that Duffy must be afraid of the citizens of North Dakota. Why?

    Because North Dakota has the only state owned bank in the United States. A state owned bank is socialism. What kind of horrible oppression do the North Dakotans live under from their form of socialism?

    North Dakota currently enjoys a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. The Bank of North Dakota didn’t get involved in making the kinds of wildly speculative sub-prime loans that toppled Wall Street brokerage firms, and that prompted Congress to bail out large commercial banks.

    And when large banks won’t lend money to small businesses and family farmers, the Bank of North Dakota does, keeping North Dakotans money at home instead of sending it to Wall Street. By God, that does sound downright un-American!

    What can be done about this imminent threat to American capitalism? Maybe we should invade North Dakota? We could probably catch them completely off guard. Or maybe Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana should erect large border fences to stem the tide of socialist immigration to other states?

    Better yet, maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself and quit spouting hysterical nonsense?

  8. During his election night victory speech, Congressman Sean Duffy told the assembled crowd that the great task of his generation was to stop the ” creeping socialism ” that he feels is threatening America. What was Duffy talking about?

    The only thing I could think of that made any damn sense to me is that Duffy must be afraid of the citizens of North Dakota. Why?

    Because North Dakota has the only state owned bank in the United States. A state owned bank is socialism. What kind of horrible oppression do the North Dakotans live under from their form of socialism?

    North Dakota currently enjoys a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. The Bank of North Dakota didn’t get involved in making the kinds of wildly speculative sub-prime loans that toppled Wall Street brokerage firms, and that prompted Congress to bail out large commercial banks.

    And when large banks won’t lend money to small businesses and family farmers, the Bank of North Dakota does, keeping North Dakotans money at home instead of sending it to Wall Street. By God, that does sound downright un-American!

    What can be done about this imminent threat to American capitalism? Maybe we should invade North Dakota? We could probably catch them completely off guard. Or maybe Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana should erect large border fences to stem the tide of socialist immigration to other states?

    Better yet, maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself and quit spouting hysterical nonsense?

  9. During his election night victory speech, Congressman Sean Duffy told the assembled crowd that the great task of his generation was to stop the ” creeping socialism ” that he feels is threatening America. What was Duffy talking about?

    The only thing I could think of that made any sense is that Duffy must be afraid of the citizens of North Dakota. Why?

    Because North Dakota has the only state owned bank in the United States. A state owned bank is socialism. What kind of horrible oppression do the North Dakotans live under from their form of socialism?

    North Dakota currently enjoys a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. The Bank of North Dakota didn’t get involved in making the kinds of wildly speculative sub-prime loans that toppled Wall Street brokerage firms, and that prompted Congress to bail out large commercial banks.

    And when large banks won’t lend money to small businesses and family farmers, the Bank of North Dakota does, keeping North Dakotans money at home instead of sending it to Wall Street. By God, that does sound downright un-American!

    What can be done about this imminent and terrifying threat to American capitalism? Maybe we should invade North Dakota? We could probably catch them completely off guard. Or maybe Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana should erect large border fences to stem the tide of socialist immigration to other states?

    Better yet, maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself and quit spouting hysterical nonsense?

  10. During his election night victory speech, Congressman Sean Duffy told the assembled crowd that the great task of his generation was to stop the ” creeping socialism ” that he feels is threatening America. What was Duffy talking about?

    The only thing I could think of that made any sense is that Duffy must be afraid of the citizens of North Dakota. Why?

    Because North Dakota has the only state owned bank in the United States. A state owned bank is socialism. What kind of horrible oppression do the North Dakotans live under from their form of socialism?

    North Dakota currently enjoys a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. The Bank of North Dakota didn’t get involved in making the kinds of wildly speculative sub-prime loans that toppled Wall Street brokerage firms, and that prompted Congress to bail out large commercial banks.

    And when large banks won’t lend money to small businesses and family farmers, like we’ve seen them refuse to do over the last couple of years, the Bank of North Dakota does, keeping North Dakotans money at home instead of sending it to Wall Street. By God, that does sound downright un-American!

    What can be done about this imminent threat to American capitalism? Maybe we should invade North Dakota? We could probably catch them completely off guard. Or maybe Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana should erect large border fences to stem the tide of socialist immigration to other states?

    Better yet, maybe Sean Duffy should get a grip on himself and quit spouting hysterical nonsense?

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