Sean Duffy’s Attitude On Healthcare Borders on the Criminal

Some of the fallout from the GOP’s American Health Care Act is starting to become apparent when the numbers start getting crunched. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published an interesting article on Sunday March 19th and some of the effects of the bill on Wisconsin. Let’s start with this lead in:…

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Sean Duffy’s telling a lot of tall tales about the Keystone XL pipeline

Here’s the latest email missive from Republican Rep. Sean Duffy, who apparently isn’t above telling a few tall tales to further the interests of his benefactors. Dear friends, This week the House will vote on the Senate’s version of a bill to (yet again) approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The…

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Sean Duffy’s Covert Ops Guy

This story is just too good to not post here. Sean Duffy’s campaign field director, Jake Thomforhda, has been put on leave after it was discovered that he misrepresented himself to the press. I’m guessing Sean read too much “ Spy vs Spy ” when he was a kid?

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Congress Passes ISIS Bill and Evacuates Washington!

In probably one of the worst decisions to come out of Washington since the decision to invade Iraq under President George W Bush, the Senate piled on and passed the bill to ‘train moderate Syrian rebels to fight ISIS’ that easily passed the House yesterday. What an incredible waste of…

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Sean Duffy prosecutes Bowe Bergdahl without benefit of an investigation

Watch as heroic former prosecutor and fake lumberjack Sean Duffy claims that he supports due process, and then basically calls Bowe Bergdahl a deserter before the military has even had a chance to finish their investigation into the matter. It’s worth noting that it was this kind of rush to…

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Guess who raised campaign funds during government shutdown? Sean Duffy!

In Ken Vogel’s new book “Big Money: 2.5 Billion Dollars, One Suspicious Vehicle, and a Pimp – on the Trail of the Ultra-Rich Hijacking American Politics“ about money in American politics, there’s an interesting report that Congressman Sean Duffy attended a Washington confab sponsored by Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group…

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Kelly Westlund delivers thousands of signatures to Rep. Duffy supporting minimum wage increase

From my email inbox: Congressional candidate Kelly Westlund joined local activists for a press conference outside of Rep. Sean Duffy’s office in Superior today and delivered over 10,000 petition signatures from across Wisconsin calling on Rep. Duffy to support raising the minimum wage. The petition to Rep. Duffy states: “With…

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Sean Duffy voted to cut heating assistance for low income Americans

Hey all you folks shivering up in the 7th congressional district and beyond, when you’re turning your thermostat down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit today and trying desperately to figure out how in the hell you’re going to pay $5.00 a gallon for propane, if you can find it at all,…

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Democratic House candidate Kelly Westlund calls on Sean Duffy to support minimum wage increase

Ahead of President Obama’s State of the Union address tonight, Democratic House candidate Kelly Westlund held a media conference call today with minimum-wage workers from Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District. On the call, Westlund and the minimum-wage workers urged Westlund’s opponent, incumbent Republican Rep. Sean Duffy to support raising the minimum…

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Kelly Westlund’s first month on the campaign trail

From my email inbox comes news of Democratic Congressional candidate Kelly Westlund’s first month on the campaign trail. In the first month of Kelly Westlund’s grassroots congressional campaign, she has traveled to 16 of the 26 counties in Wisconsin’s Seventh District. In contrast to  Republican incumbent Sean Duffy who is criticized for…

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