Is this seriously the headline you want to go with, WISN?
“Walker Reveals Concerns About GAB, Cost Of Recall”
What’s next? “Study reveals Water is Wet!” or “Blue Sky Persists Despite GOP Assertions to the Contrary!” How is this news? How is this anything other than a great big “Duh!”
But wait… It gets better.
Gov. Scott Walker said he’s concerned about the cost of recall elections and said there are better ways to spend taxpayer money.
What? What? Governor Walker thinks there are better ways to spend the state’s money than on his own recall? This is less money he can give away to his corporate donors, I guess. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!
News is something that happens to other stations, eh WISN?
What I find really shocking (but not surprising) is their attack on the GAB. Like Gingrich’s attack on the judiciary, the Walker crime syndicate are upset that the GAB are sticking to their non-partisan guns. They are not in the business of vetting the signatures. That’s not in their charter. That is a partisan activity and it is inappropriate for the non-partisan GAB to do it. But like everything else they do, the Walker crime syndicate cannot allow non-partisan entities to exist. They must crush them. Papa Gingrich would be proud!
There is a high cost for breaking your promises, Governor Walker. To blame the people of the state for holding you to account is the height of hubris. But then, who’s really surprised? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
What’s this going to cost compared to the $810 million he refused from the Fed.s for high speed rail? Refresh my memory, that $810M would have included the creation of how many jobs to boot?
It hardly merits mentioning, I was more surprised by WISN’s ham-handed treatment of this one-sided story.
Your liberal
stenographersmedia.This is the same bunch that filmed a man confessing to election fraud when he claimed he’d signed a recall Walker petition 80 times, but then forgot to ask his name while they had him on camera.
Still no Pulitzer this year, WISN!