Yet another example of conservatives harassing recall supporters

C’mon Walker supporters….defend this:

A Hartland man told 27 News he used television news video to contact people who signed recall petitions against Governor Scott Walker, prompting at least one person to contact police.

“It wasn’t a harassing call by any means,” Kevin Stoll told 27 News.

A Dane County resident named Michelle, who asked that her identity be kept private because Stoll had already obtained some of her personal information, characterized a call she received from him Nov. 25 as harassing.

“It’s 10:30 at night and there’s apparently somebody who knows where you live. It’s just a very unnerving and frightening feeling.”

Here we have yet another example of conservatives behaving badly, leaving me to wonder….

If supporters of Gov. Scott Walker aren’t worried about him being successfully recalled, then why do they feel the need to resort to harassment, destruction and defacement of recall petitions, and outright violence against recall supporters?


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50 thoughts on “Yet another example of conservatives harassing recall supporters

  1. Ok lets pretend that bidding out healthcare would save your number of $800/k. That would have balanced the budget this year but next year we are still at a 2 million dollar deficit, which comes upon approximately 10 straight years of cutting budget, Taking the 12% from teachers pay and bidding healthcare to the lowest bidder. Now what?

    Also what if the lowest bidder this year jacked their prices up 20% next year? Now we are in an even bigger hole……what is the tool to fix that?

  2. Why would a company raise prices 20%? That would be stupid of them. Jeff you must not understand how the private sector works. Not surprised. Second wheres your math behind a 12% pay cut?

    1. Actually Mike i have been in the private sector most of my life and in sales. Its not real hard in a bidding rpocess to come in with the lowest bid, its also not hard then to keep raising prices(see everyones healthcare bill the last 8 years). So yes I do understand the private sector

      If you do not get where the 12% pay cut comes in you do not understand the basics of this debate.

  3. I’m confused on your math when i did it and most reports confirm this the avg. paycut is just under 10%. Wheres your math of 12%?

  4. Kelly- Name me one school disrtict in the state that didn’t extend teacher contracts, made teachers contribute to their OWN pensions and healthcare and went out and competivly bid put its healthcare. Name me all these school districts.

  5. Why would I defend that? I could pull a Zach and Phil and say its fake because its a “youtube video with no physical proof” but, I’m not what that guy did was wrong and WE ALL must realize that we must respect each others opinions. People from both sides feel so passionitly about this issue that they do dumb things. But, actions like that or defacing recall petitions or throwing eggs or beer doesn’t give me much hope for this country.

    1. I hear many anthropologists say that the opposable thumb is mankind’s first tool. Does Scott Walker include the thumb in that list of tools he gave school districts? If not, why don’t you just sit on yours while waiting, Mike. Such act might help the school districts as much as Scott Walkers other tools. at least that’s a theory. Prove me wrong. . .

  6. As I’ve said before, there are jerks on all sides, no matter who they align themselves with. I’ll condemn inappropriate behavior when I see it, unlike many of you. I don’t see a lot of outrage over liberal harassment. Unless you believe that one side is all angels, in which case there’s no point in debating delusion.

  7. How so Zach? 2nd Kelly was telling us about all these layoffs and when I asked her to name a district she disapeared strange…….

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