Watch the Hurley mining public hearing here!

Earlier today Steve noted there will be a public hearing in Hurley, WI tomorrow in regards to the proposal to start strip mining in the north woods, and thanks to Steve you can watch the hearing live right here.

Watch live streaming video from indiancountrytv at


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4 thoughts on “Watch the Hurley mining public hearing here!

  1. I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that yesterday (1/10,) Jeff Fitzgerald stated he hopes to bring the mining bill up for a vote in the Assembly next week. Let’s review:

    1. Draw the bill up in secret without releasing it to the public or accepting any input from the minority party.
    2. Hold one hearing in West Allis, 7 hours away from the proposed mining site, so you’re guaranteed not to get any local feedback.
    3. Only after a massive public outcry and Democratic threats to hold their own hearing, do you agree to hold a local hearing; and finally,
    4. Announce a vote on the bill before the local hearing is even held.

    Looks like they are really not very interested to hear what the public has to say, anyway.

    You stay classy, Republicans! C’mon, Kevin Binversie – or another one of you Republican blowhards – I’m dying to hear you explain to us how this is good government in action…

  2. Here’s one very telling conversation I overheard in the parking lot at the Hurley Inn today.

    A woman who, based on her demeanor and conversational tone must have been a local, was talking to another couple as my wife and I walked by and said in an animated manner:

    ” I was talking to Harold and he’s for this mine but he doesn’t even trust this company ( Gogebic Taconite) anymore. ”

    Memo to repubs: We’ll know you by the company you keep.

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