Zombie Talking Point #22: If Only America had a CEO!

Overheard on Movement Conservative Joe this morning, some of the very reasons that we can never, ever, ever let Republicans run any part of our government ever again.

  1. America is going bankrupt
  2. We need a balanced budget amendment
  3. Medicare costs are out of control
  4. America needs a CEO, not a politician
  5. Mika needs to “take her partisan hat off” according to Joe Scarborough (R-1%)
  6. If the President ran the country like a business, then we would be living in a land of magic sparkle pony fairy dust and we’d all get lollipops

Ok, I kind of made that last one up, but you get the idea.  We won’t get lollipops.  In the space of 2 minutes, Joe spewed the most vacuous crap all the while telling Mika to “take her partisan hat off,” because apparently none of these are partisan issues, except for all of them.  This is one of those irregular verbs, isn’t it?

  • I am objective
  • You are a partisan
  • He/She is a leftwing/rightwing crank

Here’s some quick debunking…

  1. America cannot go “bankrupt” so long as she has a sovereign currency.  We are not a corporation.  We are a nation.  There’s a difference.
  2. Balanced budget amendments are palliatives at best, dangerous weapons of mass economic destruction at worst.  Depending on how it’s written, a BBA could send America into a permanent depression.
  3. Medicare represents 17% of Federal healthcare spending. The problem isn’t healthcare, the problem is private health insurance.  Single payer would resolve this issue.  Medicare costs are rising substantially slower than private health insurance costs.  And the VA, a large socialized medical system has the tightest cost controls in America delivering far better care for far fewer dollars.
  4. George W. Bush. QED.
  5. Joe, STFU
  6. George W. Bush. QED.  Again.

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