Study in Contrasts – Gov O’Malley (D-MD) vs. Gov McDonnell (R-VA)

Politico brought together Governor O’Malley (D-MD) and Governor McDonnell (R-VA), the heads of the Democratic and Republican Gubernatorial Associations respectively. Governor O’Malley does a great job of contrasting the negative impact of Republican Governor’s including referencing Wisconsin’s 49th ranking in job creation since Walker was put in office with the unheralded successes that have resulted due to President Obama being in office. McDonnell’s last quote is priceless, given all the hoopla in Virginia about transvaginal ultrasounds and the personhood amendment to name but a couple of current social issues that seem to be at the top of his agenda:

Governor O’Malley is the only one who has social issues at the top of his agenda. I don’t.”


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3 thoughts on “Study in Contrasts – Gov O’Malley (D-MD) vs. Gov McDonnell (R-VA)

  1. McDonnell is a pandering coward who won’t stand up for what he believes, in state sanctioned rape, because he wants to be a viable VP candidate. He is on the wrong side of history, and he is callow.

  2. I wish Gov. McDonnell the best of luck when he runs for his next taxpayer funded job. Remember, government can’t create jobs. Maybe Pat Robertson (his old mentor) will give him a job!

  3. “Governor O’Malley is the only one who has social issues at the top of his agenda. I don’t.”

    Translated: “Oh yeah, well you’re a boogerhead.”

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