The promoting will continue until we reach our goal…

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you care about the outcome of elections here in Wisconsin in 2012.

If you’re reading this, there’s also a good chance you want to see more Democrats get elected here in Wisconsin in 2012.

To that end, we here at Blogging Blue have come up with our Twelve in ’12 list of the twelve candidates we want to help get elected to office, and we need your help to raise some money for these very deserving candidates. We’ve set a goal to raise $1,500 dollars in total for the twelve candidates, but we’re obviously hoping to not just meet that goal, but to surpass it in a big way.

That’s where you come in. I know you all have likely been bombarded with requests for contributions to this campaign or that cause, but I’m asking you to consider making a contribution – whether big or small – to help raise the money it’s going to take to elect some great Democratic candidates to office here in Wisconsin.

Contributing couldn’t be easier – all you have to do is click this link and you’ll be taken to a secure ActBlue page where you can make a contribution.

I now return you to your regular blogging!


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