Take a look at this pro-Mitt Romney button being sold at his rally at State Fair Park (UPDATED)

Seen being sold at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s rally on Friday, November 2 at State Fair Park:

UPDATE: For the sake of clarity, the image I’ve provided above was sent to me by a source I trust implicitly, and there’s been additional confirmation on Facebook that the button was being sold by individuals at the rally. The source in question purchased the button from a vendor inside the State Fair grounds as the individual in question waited in line for security.

UPDATE #2: As noted by someone on Twitter, a fotoforensics.com Error Level Analysis of the photo shows it hasn’t been digitally altered.


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74 thoughts on “Take a look at this pro-Mitt Romney button being sold at his rally at State Fair Park (UPDATED)

  1. I suppose this is no different than the Obama pin that says “Once you vote black you never go back”. Shockingly there was no outrage at that pin!

  2. Everyone is acting so aghast at this statement and button. Yet, we all know racism of this magnitude exists in the US. Offensive as that may be. Likelihood is that, whether we like them or not, each of us probably knows, or knows of, someone who would create/buy that pin because that is, truly, what they believe. And no, those people on the right, and folks like the purveyor of these buttons, who are trying to take us back decades cannot be destroyed and scattered, because to attempt to do so would make we attackers no better than those we would be trying to destroy. The 1950s era freakout over Communism in this country ended up with a whole industry blackballed, the words “in God we trust” on our money and “one Nation under God” in our Pledge, all in an attempt to weed out the culprits. As mindnumbingly offensive as this statement/button is, folks have the right to say it, thanks to our 1st Amendment. and those of us who disagree with it, have the right to work as hard as we possibly can to see that politicans running for office that would be favored by the kind of folks with these views, don’t get in. to any office. Anywhere. Ever. Vote people. Get out and Vote.

  3. Yes, I believe racists come in every color, shape and size. But the point of this blog was to promote the idea that ROMNEY supporters are selling and wearing this button, and I think that’s probably a blatant misrepresentation.

  4. Do u fucktards really think that a candidate would support this???????????
    This election has to be over with. Nothing but a bunch of name calling and accusations.
    Grow up.

  5. I don’t think Mitt endorses this kind of behavior but it is an unfortunate demographic. When I went to an Obama rally yesterday there was a small group of Romney supporters yelling racially charged comments at the largely black crowd. As a white person I was embarrassed that white people would make such comments but the black woman that I was crossing the street with just turned around and said “I will pray for you!” Amen.

    1. I don’t think Mitt cares if these kind of people support him. If doing racist dog-whistles gives him a few more votes, he’ll gladly let it happen.

      And that should scare the hell out of anyone who cares about this country, because what depths will he plumb in order to try to get his way? And which dangerous groups will he kiss up to in order to get “support”? This’ll make Bush’s kissing up to the neocons on Iraq look responsible.

      Buttons like this, and Romney’s refusal to speak out about this and other heinous GOP abuses like voter suppression in Florida make him UNFIT FOR OFFICE.

      1. Refusal to speak out? Shall we discuss Obama’s (and the entire MSM’s) refusal to speak out about the whole Benghazi issue? Yes, let’s do talk about being unfit for office. Please.

  6. Can you please explain for the sake of saving a shred of credibility why there are no pictures of the said activity occurring at the fair. Is your proof simply that I believe my source? Your blog is a joke

    1. Jeff, I can’t speak to why no photos were taken of the actual activity. Look, you’re free to believe what you want about the button, and if this blog is such a joke, why do you keep coming back?

      1. Because my soon to be disfriended friend is posting this b.s on facebook and I’m not going to allow you to play this desperate all in youve got nothing hand without calling it.

  7. When I first saw this I thought it was fake. I tried to find any evidence to verify, but couldn’t. I think we have to accept, that with sites such as Zazzle, Vistaprint, etc., it is certainly easy enough for anybody to create, obtain and sell buttons like these.
    I think it’s also fairly obvious that it was not facilitated nor endorsed by Mitt Romney or his campaign at large. It does, however, prove that racism is alive and well and at least a portion of Romney’s supporters are voting for him solely on the basis that they want to get the black man out of the White House. Not much anybody can do about that – there are likely an equal number of Obama supporters whose main impetus is to put/keep a black man in the White House. It would be an ideal situation if 100% of voters could take the initiative to be informed on the issues and cast their vote based on what they believe is good for the success of our country and individual citizens.

    1. i posted a comment before i saw your post. i saw this EXACT t-shirt in the madeira beach area of pinellas co. Florida this past weekend. just pathetic…..

  8. If this was at State Fair Grounds (which I am not doubting), there is absolutely no way the Romney campaign people and event organizers did not know about it. It uses the Romney logo, which would be considered an infringement of copywrite. So by not stopping the sales, they were inherently complicate. And those who say this isn’t disturbing or defend it, I hope you at least admit that you are racist and believe what it says. There is no excuse.

  9. it would be easy to have that button made. then, to technically say the button was sold on the fair grounds, have two insurgents exchange money for the button. super sleazy but it permits truthfully relaying these events. zach could also be complicit in such a scheme. but that is just a theory.

    1. I should also note I don’t have the time (nor the inclination) to go to the lengths you described.

      Why are so many conservatives unwilling or unable to admit that this button is very real, and that it was purchased at a Mitt Romney rally? Do you really expect me to believe that there’s ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY no way a racist button could show up at an event for the man opposing President Obama?

  10. TOTAL BULLSHIT put out by cynical Democrats to appeal to stupid voters who want to believe that everything is racism.

  11. Not to take away from the outrage over the button or the message it contains, however the Error Level Analysis actually does indicate more that it has been modified. Possibly even a fabrication. I point you to the papers on ELA as well as the tutorials on the FotoForesnsics pages. http://fotoforensics.com/tutorial-ela.php

    1. It’s real, whoever your source is is lying. I was one of the people at the fair selling the button. It is what it is. The button sold.

  12. Racists are few in this country and not worthy of comment. The button and the promulgation of it only spreads division. Shame on you.

    1. What do you consider “few?”

      I’d argue racists are plentiful in this country, but I suppose “few” and “plentiful” depends on how you quantify those words.

  13. It makes me sick to see such hatred and name-calling directed at the president. This is what politics has come to in this country? Shameful!

  14. I think this has been taken a bit too seriously. This is a novelty button sold by some vendor on the fair grounds, it’s not as if Romney was wearing this on his jacket – I doubt Romney or his any of his campaign staff even knew that this pen was being sold.

    I wouldn’t think a tongue-in-cheek novelty button of this caliber would rustle so many jimmies.
    I’m not saying racism is funny, but this is just a pun.

  15. over the weekend in the madeira beach florida area, at a local tourist trap called, “john’s pass”, i personally saw a man wearing a t-shirt that said: “put the white back in white house”….pathetic, just made me sick.

  16. Ruth, I live in the south, you can believe people are voting on racism. Evangelical Christians here hate Romney because he is a Mormon (check and see which southern states voted for him in the primary). But they hate the black guy more than they hate the Mormon. I have friends in Ohio who saw people wearing Romney shirts that said, “Return White to the White House”(again, not sold by the campaign, but not vocally disproved of by them either). Racism is alive and well in 2012; it’s disgusting.

    1. As I said, racists come in all colors. There are lots of people voting for Obama STRICTLY because if his skin color as well. This is racist, too.

  17. Probably sold by liberal plants. But even if there are a few bad apples in the ranks, that doesn’t mean anything about Romney. The nation needs Romney. We can’t afford four more years of Obama’s agenda.

    We won in Wisconsin in June. We can win in the nation today. America, lets do this!

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