Roll Call: White House Deploys Rob Nabors to Help Shinseki Fix VA

I’m kind of torn on this account, because I think Shinseki is in a no-win situation. He was handed the military victims (past, present, and future) of two wars, many sustaining live-long disabilities (prostheses for missing limbs, PTSD, etc.), and on top of those challenges Congress cut or underfunded the VA budget by 50% of the cost necessary to address the increased volume of veterans in need of services from the Veterans Adminstration as a result of the wars initiated by the Bush/Cheney administration.

One of President Barack Obama’s closest advisers, Rob Nabors, has been deployed to help fix troubles at the Department of Veterans Affairs in the wake of damaging stories of veterans dying while waiting for care and calls from some lawmakers in Congress for the resignation of Secretary Eric Shinseki.

Shinseki, facing a hostile hearing Thursday morning in the Senate, thanked the White House for sending Nabors to help him review practices at the department.

“Rob is a fresh set of eyes, he’s a son of a veteran … and a proven performer,” Shinseki said in his opening remarks.

Shinseki said he served in the Army with Nabors’ father, retired Maj. Gen. Robert L. Nabors.

The presidential adviser has both a background in budgeting, management and congressional relations — all skills that might be helpful these days.


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3 thoughts on “Roll Call: White House Deploys Rob Nabors to Help Shinseki Fix VA

  1. The question to be asked is: Will “Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi” morph into “VA,VA, VA” or will it be a new and separate GOP fundraiser using dead Americans to a political end rather than seeking the truth on the effect of budget cuts?

  2. I am non-partisan on this. Shinseki needs to resign and Obama needs to apologize, something that did not happen when the George Bush administration was hiring people to find ways to deny coverage to vets.
    We live in a state where vets were recently advised not to make a fuss about a particular issue in case Scott Walker was displeased. This is a big picture, nation-wide issue, and someone has to step up.

  3. The truth of this scandal is that Congress is responsible for the death of those veterans on a waiting list. Specifically,it is the House controlled by the austerity of the tea party and the cowardice of Speaker John Boehner and his failure to lead.

    John Nichols notes in his article today “Instead of austerity, VA needs full funding and accountability” In part: “Neither the immediate crisis nor serious issues relating to the long-term future of the VA will be settled with a mere reorganization of upper management. The real issues are closer to the ground…”

    And further, quoting the AFGE President, “All around the country,medical facilities are understaffed, with numerous front-line care positions going unfilled.” Also attention is called to, “…funding levels will remain an estimated $2 billion short in FY 2015 and approximately $500 million short for FY 2016.”

    It is outrageous; it is immoral! How can Shinseki or anyone in the VA be blamed if Congress will not fund the needs of veterans by the agency, Veteran’s Administration, charged with that responsibility?

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