Gun wielding citizen robbed of gun

But remember folks….making it easier for citizens to pack heat is supposed to deter criminals!

William Coleman III was robbed of his Walter- brand P22 just after 2:00 a.m. October 4 in Gresham by a young man who asked him for it — and flashed his own weapon as persuasion.

Coleman, 21, was talking to his cousin in the 17200 block of NE Glisan St., after purchasing the handgun earlier that day, when a young man asked him for a cigarette, police said.

The man then asked about the gun, pulled a gun from his own waistband and said “”I like your gun. Give it to me.”

Coleman handed over the gun and the man fled on foot.

While the incident cited above is a couple months old and happened in another state, it’s not as if it hasn’t happened here in Wisconsin as well.


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27 thoughts on “Gun wielding citizen robbed of gun

  1. Only people in Wisconsin that dumb are liberals and we do not want them to have guns.

  2. Zach, I request you dump the conservative garbage above, mislabeled as a “reply,” into the “delete” file where it belongs.

  3. Zach, I request you stop casting bait, be it this post or the Idaho tragedy. Anyone who watches, reads or listens to daily news is aware of these stories and the bait doesn’t incite a conversation or diffuse discourse. Just makes discourse worse. Or is that the purpose?

    1. Here’s another:

      I can see how you would wish to mute any discussion – not unlike the Catholic clergy went to great lengths to stifle questions a decade ago. Hiding from problems doesn’t really work out, but cheer up IG. Many, many, many more kids and adults will die unnecessarily before America confronts this particular problem. And if your kid is packin’, just make sure you are too.

          1. Nothing. But the blog post dictates the “potential” discussion.
            The OP is about a theft. Though that is not really what the post intends. All the post did was lob a grenade and to no one’s surprise, a grenade was lobbed back. Not very useful. That’s all I was pointing out.
            I’ve read your posts Emma. And I suspect you and I could have a discussion/conversation.
            This topic/thread is a non-starter so look for me in another and I will you as well.

              1. Seriously?!
                Obviously I don’t blog blue (or any color) so by definition that is a problem. Not for me, just in this environment you’d see nothing but eggs & tomatoes tossed from this crowd.
                Yourself and NQ are some of the few that are actually interested in a discussion.
                The rest use BB as Zach’s litter box. A place they can go to relieve themselves. Usually gross, negative, self-serving and OT. Not alotta discussion.

    2. Check with FBI and see the reduction in crime, assaults, rapes and murders the last 20 years as peopel have armed. Dramatic. Only Milwaukee who only prosecutes 50% of gun crimes and only about 6% of gun criminals in Chicago end up in jail. wonder why we have shooting gallery??

  4. Check witht the greatst civli rights group in hisotry: NRA for the numbers of robberies, home invasions, murders that aremd citizens have stopped. read John Lott.

        1. You may have seen it, Dohnal. But you certainly didn’t read it. First, U.S. crime is rates are discussed at length. Second, for your hypothesis to be correct, only U.S. crime rates would be falling.

    1. What baloney are you really the bunch of damn fools on this site?? If you take out DC, chciago, LA and NO. you ill find that wea rein really good shpe. Only the places where the lft is in charge are problems. Go to Norhtern wis., more guns per capita than any place in world and you will find few murders or aggravavtes asaault. Only down in inner city wher the liberal whiteracist are in control, cannot teach kids to read or get them jobs and you findth eproblems.

      1. Your words are false, fatuous, foolish, or phony. Maybe all four.

        Show us an official governmental or independent reliable site with a link to support your trolling.

        1. I have researched this and written aobut it numerous times, only the Left is ignorant. Do your own gd research once instead of talking points.

          1. Dohnal,

            aka WI against prosperity digest,

            If you’ve written about it, link to it.

            I can’t wait to read your “adventures in spelling.”


    2. D12, It is understood that your brain is stuck/rusted in left gear and your NRA rant is a cop out. Stay on topic.

      1. ig,

        “Dohnal/Wisconsinite’s against prosperity Digest, it is understood that your brain is stuck/rusted in wingnut gear and your NRA rant is a cop out. Stay on topic.”


        1. Peoperity in Wisconsin the last 40 years has come only under the GOP. doyle disaster.

              1. Dohnal,

                Glad it only took you five years to figure out he’s a DINO.

                Notice the GOP refuses to attack his failure to indict even one Wall Street CEO.

                #benghazi benghazi benghazi……

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