During an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News after he announced his presidential candidacy, Gov. Scott Walker called the minimum wage a “lame idea”, because apparently he wants workers to toil for pennies.
“The left claims that they’re for American workers and they’ve just got just really lame ideas — things like the minimum wage,” Walker said. “Instead of focusing on that, we need to talk about how we get people the skills and the education and the qualifications that they need to take on the careers that pay far more than the minimum wage.”
So he want to turn our universities into trade schools. Got it.
Nothing says I am against the worker like wanting to give them skills and education to bring to the negotiating table, not minimum skills for minimum wage.
Right, every Republicon legislator and the “governor,” wanting and succeeding to gut public education with built in continuing cuts annually and shuffling that money to privateers that don’t need to meet educational standards of any kind is the road to giving education to our current and future work force in higher paying positions. Get a life, most of the public work force would love to and do try to.
And when ten newly trained workers with their freshly minted job skill degrees all come to the negotiating table looking for the same “high wage” job which way do you suppose that table will tilt? Walker’s anti-worker, anti-wage policies will end up proving the value of forming unions to handle negotiations for wages and benefits before this is over, just as his pro-business income tax strategy has shown the folly of the claim that giving more money to the “job creators” will cause those saintly capitalists to invest wisely in our economy to create more and better paying jobs (instead of taking the money and running, or blowing it on expensive toys, or stashing it overseas for a rainy day, like anyone else would).
Walker said. “Instead of focusing on that, we need to talk about how we get people the skills and the education and the qualifications that they need to take on the careers that pay far more than the minimum wage.”
Governor, thanks for bringing up another one of your failures. Where all those family-supporting careers?
Slave wages are room and board. AFAIK, U.S. minimum wage for a 40-hour week is below that.