I Think It’s Time For A Foxconn Economic Impact Study

So we all know that Scott Walker and Donald Trump gave away the farm…or several farms if you look at the impact of eminent domain in Racine County…but Foxconn never kept their part of the bargain. And the facility in Mount Pleasant WI is a fraction of the promised investments…

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Robin Vos’ Latest Stupid Idea!

Everyone including Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R) admit that the state revenue sharing formula isn’t working. I discussed this a bit a few weeks ago. Milwaukee now has a new generation of leadership and they don’t have the divisive political baggage of their predecessors. So Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson…

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Wisconsin GOP’s Latest Bait and Switch? The Flat Tax!

I didn’t pay as much attention to the individual state assembly and state senate races at the mid-terms as I had in the past. I concentrated on my local races and the statewide races. But I don’t remember the Flat Tax being a mid-term election issue with anyone other than…

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So Now We Have The CHIPS bill…Can We Manufacture The Dang Things In That Money Pit In Mount Pleasant.

So the feds have passed a bill to encourage and subsidize the manufacture of computer chips in the United States. And the president has signed it. Besides increasing manufacturing opportunities in this country, the secondary goal is to solve some of the supply chain issues that are vexing any number…

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What? We Didn’t Try To Move Boeing To The Foxconn Campus?

Well, another strange turn of events in corporate America: Boeing’s Thursday announcement that it would be moving its headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Va. Boeing earlier announced that it would be moving its headquarters to Arlington and establishing a research and technology hub in Northern Virginia. Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun…

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I couldn’t figure out why Zach’s Judge Michelle Havas article was trending today…

The blog’s software shows us a quick snip of what posts are getting the most hits each day…and all of a sudden one that Zach wrote back in 2016 was hitting # 1…it was about a Milwaukee County Circuit Court race. Well, while trying to smear the big city liberal…

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Gov. Tony Evers fixes the Republican Foxconn boondoggle

Leave it to Democrats like Gov. Tony Evers to fix the messes left behind by Republicans like former Gov. Scott Walker… A new agreement between Foxconn Technology Group and the state announced Tuesday dramatically scales back the number of jobs the company promises to create — to only 1,454 — and reduces the…

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Scott Walker: He’ll Save America Like He Saved His Hairline.

This is too funny not to share…. As noted on Twitter there must be something in the water in Washington, D.C. that helped Scott Walker grow back his balding hairline.

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned: Balanced Budget Laws Hamstring States During World Pandemics

The great tsunami of conservative policy early this century included the demand for state balanced budget amendments. And of course former Governor Scott Walker and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos just had to have one…so of course Wisconsin does. The conceit is you have to live within your budget and so…

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GOP Side Note On Wisconsin Election: Don’t Block Certification!

I didn’t see this article until I started sifting through my print edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel during lunch. But there is an addendum at the end from former election commissioner John Franke, an appointee of Governor Scott Walker to the now defunct Wisconsin Government Accountability Board: As the…

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