Trump Campaign Pays $3 million For Partial Wisconsin Recount

The Trump campaign had until 5 PM CST to file for a recount if they wanted one. It was estimated that a statewide recount would cost $8 million, but partial recounts by county would cost considerably less. Apparently the campaign filed for a partial recount this morning and paid the State of Wisconsin $3 million.

Trump’s campaign paid the state $3 million as of Wednesday morning to start a partial recount, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. The campaign has not yet filed a formal petition, the commission said, but noted one is expected today.

It’s unclear in which counties Trump will seek a recount. A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to questions from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The Trump campaigns strategy will be fairly interesting. It seems futile to recount say Dane County where he lost by such a large margin that a recount won’t turn enough votes, if any, to give him much leverage. And a recount of Milwaukee County will cost @$2 million…and it is also unlikely to turn enough votes to impact the statewide results. So where do you request a recount?

The recounts have to begin on or before Saturday November 21 and be completed by December 1, 2020. Another interesting sideshow.

When Trump formally requests the recount, the commission’s chairwoman, Ann Jacobs, on Thursday will issue a formal order for affected counties to start their recounts. They will have to begin by Saturday at the latest.

They will have to complete their work by Dec. 1.

That’s the same day the commission is required to certify the state’s presidential results.

On a side note, for all of you headbangers out there…AC/DC has a new album coming to recount by?

Anyway, maybe now Assembly Speaker Robin Vos won’t waste Wisconsin taxpayer dollars on investigating ‘voting irregularities’ in Milwaukee or Madison.


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