Headline: Supreme Court Says Donald Trump Is Partly Shielded From Prosecution, well that’s only half of it!

While the extreme right and MAGA nothinks celebrate today’s Supreme Court ruling, they keep overlooking one significant item. Donald Trump is not the current president and if this ruling applies to the Trump presidency, it applies to every presidency. And if they follow the Yellow Brick to their OZ, that…

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Quick thought on Justice Alito from a bit different perspective maybe?

And yes this was totally stolen from a social media post and yes I am not including the original poster just cause…but here it is

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‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise

The ‘whack-jobs, morons and idiots’ as Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos addressed them, fell short in their effort to recall the GOP legislative leader. They just didn’t have enough valid signatures and even some of those that they have turned in seem to be fraudulent. I can’t say that I…

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I Can’t Believe We Are Still Fighting The Hair Length School Dress Code Thing

Really America? When we aren’t spending sufficient money on education and our students aren’t learning at grade level in reading and math, this is the shit we are wasting our time on? This should have been behind us and off of our radar 50+ years ago. Shit, I got tossed…

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New Shepherd Express Poll Goes Against Ron Johnson at 90%

Yes, yes, I realize it is not a scientific poll and that Shepherd Express readers trend liberal…but it reinforces my belief structure…so I am going to share it:

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Evil Forces For Mass Shootings: Photo Provided!

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Will Wisconsin Be Known By The Company It Keeps? i.e. Abortion

What’s wrong with this picture. WTF?

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Sentiment from David Hogg: paraphrase: Flock The NRA

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How Ted Cruz’s Solution For School Shootings Would Work:

Trigger warning (no pun intended…snicker) this post contains a mean meme:

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Who’s Gonna To Tell Her That She’s Not On Team Normal?

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