I Can’t Believe We Are Still Fighting The Hair Length School Dress Code Thing

Really America? When we aren’t spending sufficient money on education and our students aren’t learning at grade level in reading and math, this is the shit we are wasting our time on? This should have been behind us and off of our radar 50+ years ago. Shit, I got tossed out of my senior year of high school for this very rule. My hair wasn’t allowed to touch my eyebrows, cover my ears or collar…and on one bad hair day when I couldn’t get it together I got tossed until I got it cut back in freakin’ 1968 for cryin’ out loud.

And this young man isn’t openly violating the rule. They are claiming he would IF he let his hair down. Even if he did, this is a stupid, stupid rule that has no business being active in 21st C America. Give it up school boards, don’t you have some books to ban or something (sarcasm).

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1 thought on “I Can’t Believe We Are Still Fighting The Hair Length School Dress Code Thing

  1. Me too, I got suspended in 10th grade, 1968, to go home and shave. I had some peach fuzz on my upper lip, even my mom laughed about it. That was West High in Madison.

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