But Governor Walker said…

On Monday, May 14, 2012 (before the recall election) Governor Scott Walker proudly announced an investment in Plexus Corp. of Neenah, Wisconsin. He said that with the support of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), Plexus Corp. would create “up to 350 jobs in Neenah” and “reflect the positive direction…

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Scott Michalak on the potential for a major health crisis in AD 38

I’ve been following the “Sewergate” story and Democrat Scott Michalak’s candidacy against Rep. Joel Kleefisch (R) in Assembly District 38 with great interest. The story provides a shocking illustration of what can happen when politicians put the needs of their political donors over those of their constituents. It can literally…

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Sen. Cullen to Wisconsin Dems: No clout, no caucus

Senator Tim Cullen (D) announced Tuesday afternoon that he will no longer caucus with the Democrats because “he was insulted by not being named chairman of any Senate committees after the Democrats regain control of that chamber,” according to reporters at the Wisconsin State Journal. Cullen’s announcement unleashed a torrent…

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Laura Cotting: Bipartisan leadership for Assembly District 37

When I first heard Assembly District 37 candidate Laura Cotting (D) speak at the July OconoDems meeting, I was intrigued by her uncommon combination of qualities. She’s an environmental conservationist with a rural upbringing who is a strong supporter of union rights, yet she has many Republican allies and calls…

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Eric Hovde says he’s 100% pro-life…until he’s not (with audio)

Eric Hovde, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, released radio ads yesterday touting his “pro-life credentials.” He previously said he is 100% pro-life, meaning he does not support any exceptions on abortion, not even for rape, incest or the life/health of the mother. So why, just hours after his ads came out,…

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Why did a Waukesha County Supervisor try to keep Kathy Nickolaus out of an election-related spending ordinance?

If Waukesha County Executive Dan Vrakas and the Waukesha County Board really want voters to have complete trust in our election system, they’ve got a long way to go, especially after Tuesday night’s County Board Personnel Committee meeting. That’s because, according to Laurel Walker of the Journal Sentinel, a Waukesha County…

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Drinking water wells test positive for E. Coli; Scott Michalak (D) holds Rep. Joel Kleefisch (R) to account

Residents of Assembly District 38 are worried about the safety of their drinking water. Last Thursday, Francine Langlais of Sullivan, Wisconsin, was informed by the Water & Environmental Analysis Lab at UW-Stevens Point that her drinking water is contaminated with E. Coli and she was advised to “start boiling water or buying…

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Scott Michalak (D) kicks off campaign against Joel “Prince of Poop” Kleefisch (R)

The most-used word at Scott Michalak’s campaign kickoff on Wednesday night was “poop.” Representative Brett Hulsey said it six times in his speech, alone. It sounds funny, but it’s no laughing matter. Residents of District 38 are worried about human waste in their drinking water (story here). Since the Walker-appointed DNR heads won’t…

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Tammy Baldwin understands the need for health care reform; it’s personal

When I was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis three years ago, the hardest part wasn’t the partial blindness, the loss of bladder control, or having to use a walker to get around; it was spending hours each day on the phone dealing with my private insurance company. As anyone with…

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Kathy Nickolaus strikes again!

He’s only about a year and a half late, but Waukesha County Executive Dan Vrakas says he’s ready to “make changes to restore the people’s faith and confidence in the election reporting in Waukesha County.” At least, that’s what he told Larry Sandler of the Journal Sentinel after Tuesday’s revelation…

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