The Racine Judge and the Lincoln Hills Scandal:

Letter to editor: Judge to Walker ‘I wrote directly to you’: Dear Governor, Your enemies have turned the Lincoln Hills matter into a personal attack against you. You and I know my letter to you was written to highlight a most grievous system failure, to hopefully prompt a full inquiry…

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The State of Scott Walker’s State

Four quick hits from Saturday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel alone…where Mr. Unintimidated distances himself for his own administration: Scott Walker insists his office follows open records law (well except when they tell staff not to) Scott Walker defends handling of Lincoln Hills complaints (except nobody handled much of anything) Scott Walker…

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What Are All Of Those Job Creators Doing With Their Tax Savings

Well they aren’t spending it on research and development or their companies’ futures or new job opportunities or anything of substance. As a matter of fact it seems that investment in research and development is heading for an all time low. Instead they think they can continue to cannibalize the…

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Wisconsin GOP Legislators Are Totally Intimidated

Just think, the Republican legislature gets to go out on the road and present defend their proposed 2015 – 2017 budget. One of the sticking points in this budget is the $300 million cuts to the renowned University of Wisconsin System. And of course one of the places where they…

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Wisconsin Progressives Need To Make Up Their Mind

After Mary Burke announced her candidacy for governor in 2013, the pundits and progressives across the blogosphere and social media were heard weeping, whining and gnashing their teeth about the hand picked candidate of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Everyone wanted anyone but the anointed Ms. Burke. Some of us…

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Don’t Blame The Voters? WTF?

A letter to the editor in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel suggested that the voters weren’t at fault for the gridlock in Madison or Washington. Really? Although some valid points are raised in the letter (see link above and full text below)…the fact that we are dissatisfied with our elected officials…

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Serving Wisconsin: Retiring Senators Offer Wisdom From Senator Vinehout

This email missive from State Senator Kathleen Vinehout arrived in my in box yesterday. It’s a little wisdom and maybe a bit of foreboding about our future under the dome in Madison. But as we turn another page on politics in Wisconsin, I thought it worth sharing with you! “There…

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Right To Work In The Badger State

Anyone reading this blog won’t be surprised to hear that I am vehemently opposed to Right To Work legislation. Nor that I am not particularly happy about the events from the past week or so that have lead to this particular blog. The first shot across the bows of Wisconsin…

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DPW Chair Mike Tate Wants To Hear From You!

From the inbox comes this missive from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s Chairman, Mike Tate: Thanks for your membership in the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and your work on behalf of Democratic candidates this fall. Even though the midterm elections were hard on Democrats in Wisconsin and around the country,…

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Dave Obey: Democrats’ problems more national than local

In an opinion piece published yesterday, former U.S. Rep. Dave Obey shared his view that the problems that led to the lackluster election results here in Wisconsin on November 4th were more a product of poor messaging on the part of the national Democratic Party, and not because of the…

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