Governor-elect understands Milwaukee is a part of Wisconsin, not apart from it

From our inbox from Milwaukee Alderman Cavalier “Chevy” Johnson: Statement of Alderman Cavalier Johnson December 4, 2018 It’s refreshing to hear our state’s incoming chief executive officer express his desire to be a partner with the City of Milwaukee. In addressing the Common Council, I was happy to learn that…

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It’s That Time of Year For the Really OFF Year Elections

Just when you thought it was safe to answer your front door again…the candidates for the spring odd year elections have started circulating nomination papers. So do yourself a favor: sign the nomination papers for those candidates you like who are running for office in your voting area. Make sure…

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Madison GOP Legislators Interferes With Milwaukee City Rules AGAIN!

As all cities are wont to do, the City of Milwaukee’s Health Department inspects restaurants for cleanliness and health code violations. They create reports that outline what they’ve found and file them. In the 21st Century they post them on line as well. But they are pages and pages long…

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Young People Can’t Vote Because?

This morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had a quick feature on why young people don’t vote. They visited the local colleges…and apparently only found women willing to talk about not voting on the record…which is okay since woman vote in higher numbers than men anyway…and the men would probably have even…

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Scott Walker’s Pre-Existing Condition!

To those of us outside the Republican Party it comes as no surprise that health care is at the top of the minds of the majority of Americans. So when the protection of preexisting conditions became a focal point of a number of statewide races at the midterms in Wisconsin,…

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Whoa, Wait, What? Rep Jim Sensenbrenner Disagrees With President Trump.

In Iowa, the president supported having 15% Ethanol fuels (E15) available year round. It is currently off the menu in the summer. The Trump Administration is planning to allow E15 sales year-round. During the White House agriculture roundtable Thursday, President Trump announced his support for E15 sales year-round without a…

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Alderman Cavalier Johnson: Governor Thompson Could Be Ally On Corrections Reform

An Op-Ed piece from Milwaukee Alderman Cavalier “Chevy” Johnson on corrections reform in Wisconsin and how former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson can be a valuable ally: Last week Wednesday I was in the audience at Marquette University when Mike Gousha interviewed former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson. Governor Thompson spoke about…

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So when does rural become suburban become urban?

This is a little nostalgia and biography mixed with a little confusion about where we are all heading. I grew up in what was then rural Waukesha County on what had been my grandfather’s farm. My uncle farmed it for a while and then leased it out to the farmer…

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West Milwaukee takes page on development from Franklin

While putting the finishing touches on the follow up on issues with the response of Franklin city fathers to proposed new development, an acquaintance shared this link from WTMJ-TV: Concerns raised over new health clinic proposal in West Milwaukee. The very popular and well respected 16th Street Community Health Centers…

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Our Back Pages: Franklin development

Just over a month ago I posted about Franklin’s opposition to new development in their fair city. It was the addition of senior housing to an already approved mixed use development that include a ball park, retail, hotel, and other housing. Their opposition was based on increased stress on emergency…

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