AND Happy 17th Birthday Blogging Blue!!

Thank you Zach!!

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Plagiarism Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery

I was surprised this morning when Blogging Blue alerted me to a ping back from Green Bay Packers Local News using our (my) content from yesterday: Third Party Ads By Anonymous Spokesperson. I have never heard of Green Bay Local News before today. The supposed author is listed as: Teresa…

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Four Thousand And One

That’s it…that’s the whole post…this is officially my Blogging Blue post #4001…just wanted to mark the milestone!

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Happy 15th Anniversary To Blogging Blue (Observed)

Zach opened the door in July 2007 and I tend to celebrate the day on July 4th for the symmetry, although his first post actually appeared on the 1st. Shrug! So here’s a bit of humor for the holiday:

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It’s hard to believe it’s been 14 years!

Today marks the 14th year anniversary for Blogging Blue. On July 1, 2007 this blog sprang into existence with my first post about then-presidential candidate Barack Obama: To say it’s been an amazing 14 years would be a gross understatement. Because of this blog I’ve been able to see and…

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Today’s top search result bring folks to Blogging Blue…

This might amuse only me but the top internet search result that brought folks to Blogging Blue yesterday was: “why is senator ron johnson such an idiot” For those of you wondering, Sen. Ron Johnson (or as I like to call him, Our Dumb Senator) is an idiot for a…

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Thank you!

A couple of weeks ago I noted I had made a few changes, most notably to the way the blog looks. At the time I also noted I Blogging Blue has begun using Patreon as a means for readers to support the blog financially – if they’re so inclined. With…

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So…..I’ve made a few changes around here

If you’re reading this you’ve probably already noticed a bit of a difference in the way Blogging Blue looks. I’ve changed things around in hopes of improving how the site works, as our old WordPress theme was outdated and wasn’t working as intended in some ways. I’d appreciate any constructive…

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Hi There – I’m Back and I Want Your Feedback

I’m back, but you already knew that. What I’d like is to open a dialogue with those of you who visit to read the content here on Blogging Blue to find out how you think the blog might be improved. Would you be interested in listening to a podcast? Are…

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Gracie, Say Goodnight!

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