MKE Cares: Ordinance would require mask wearing in public spaces

From today’s email: Public Safety and Health Committee to take up legislation on Thursday (7/2) Statement of Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. June 30, 2020 It is time for the City of Milwaukee to take the important step of implementing a citywide face mask mandate for public spaces, and this week I…

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Something Completely Different: Free UWM Class on Milwaukee History

Something completely different to share with you today. From my email inbox, the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee is going to offer an online course in July and covers some of the history of the City of Milwaukee. So here are the details: UWM is offering a free online class…

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WI GOP Tries To Tie One Hand Behind Tommy Thompson’s Back

After an amazingly adroit failure at selecting a new president for the University of Wisconsin system, the Board of Regents selected former Governor Tommy Thompson to act as the interim president. And the reception to the announcement among officialdom has been for the most part positive if maybe a bit…

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And Yes, Stay At Home Orders Actually Work

Despite the protests around the nation and the forced re-opening of Wisconsin, and the president’s call to ‘liberate Michigan’, it appears that the stay at home order in Michigan saved lives. Researchers at Imperial College London and Oxford University tracked the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against the novel coronavirus, such…

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A Sad Dichotomy In News Around WI Residents Of Asian Descent

In one article today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel describes the xenophobia and discrimination that Wisconsin residents of Hmong and other Asian backgrounds are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Association in Appleton, which focuses on issues related to the Hmong and Southeast Asian community,…

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Young, Healthy, Want To Help People Vote?

Then I suggest signing up in your local community to be a poll worker for the August 11, 2020 primary and the November 3, 2020 general election including the presidential election. It actually comes with some dollars attached and you can save some of the usual poll workers who have…

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Lt Governor Mandela Barnes on George Floyd and Systemic Racism.

I am trying to catch up on my emails and this one was in a box that I don’t visit often enough (apparently). This message from Lt. Governor Barnes was from May 29th. Like so many other Black lives in this country, George Floyd’s life was stolen from his family…

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The Message From Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes

From our friend, in yesterday’s email inbox: The ongoing civil unrest in our communities is an understandable expression of rage and frustration. So often, we hear eloquent accounts of the American Dream. The United States is ostensibly a place where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are guaranteed to…

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Governor Tony Evers on George Floyd and Racism

I am derelict in not tracking this down and publishing it sooner…mea culpa:

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Sensenbrenner Recommends The Impossible, But Boy Is He Right!

In the wake of the president’s suggestion that he employ American military forces to quell disturbances following the murder of George Floyd by police, Secretary of Defense Mark Eper downplayed the idea…said that should only be considered as a last result. And retiring Wisconsin Representative Jim Sensenbrenner agrees…one point up….

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